Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is it full circle?

So, with the decision I spoke of in my last post, I have to make a plan for whats next for us....and here is the "plan" as of now.

Donna and I are both tired of Texas. We both love the Hill Country but the heat is starting to become unbearable and the opportunities for advancement of our lives just aren't here. We have really worked hard to make the things we want happen here and we just keep spinning our wheels. Its time for a change....

So, we have been looking at different places to move around the country for some time now and we just cant seem to find "the" place that would suit us. We definitely cant find a "secure" place to try and step off too, so my head started to turn....

What about going back to Colorado?

Now I have to say, I don't have much desire to live back in Colorado Springs. 350k people is quite the city and although we have lived in bigger, neither of us really like the idea of living in Colorado Springs and the country living we enjoy just isn't really accessible inside that city. But outside of the Springs? In the mountains?? Now THAT'S doo-able!

So I contacted my family, my realtor, sat down with Donna and here is the plan....

On June 22nd I will have my last day with BCFS. I am trying to get into a FEMA class that is happening the last week of June but it is full....The next one, which I AM signed up for, that one is the week of July 16th.

So, if I get in the class at the end of June, I will get my certification and then take a week or two to downsize some of our stuff.

If I don't get in that class, I will take the week or two before and downsize our stuff. I will make some contacts back in Colorado to get my resume flowing and get the feelers out there. We will start to decrease the amount of our house. I will cash in on the downsizing put my student loans BACK in deferment (TRY not to have to sell my Harley....UUUUGHHHH!!) and get a U-Haul trailer, load up all the stuff we aren't using or don't need, fill my little truck, and head North.

I have set it up with my family that I will be a "squatter" with them while I look for jobs and a new house. Donna will stay here and keep the home front working, tie up loose ends, get the house sold and join me once we get everything here taken care of. I should be in Colorado Springs The last weekend of July and beating the streets for work the first week of August.

Once the house sells here in Texas, I will fly back down to Texas, get a U-Haul, load up the rest of our stuff, get our horses and bring Donna up to Colorado with me. Hopefully we will have a place to put our horses and only have to be with family for a couple of weeks, take the money we make from the house, put it down on a new place and start over...Again!! WOOOO-HOOOOO!!!

The only thing I could see that would deter this plan is if I didnt find a job and was able to deploy to an disaster of some kind...Even then though, the end plan is to be back in Colorado


Any of my Colorado friends that read this, I could SURE use a helping hand to get my resume out there and some possible directions for job opportunities... If you have any feedback or would like to get a copy of my resume to pass of for me, please contact me at and I will get it to you.

If any of my Colorado peeps could help me out, I need two things....

1. Job leads or networking
2. a place to put 2 horses (cheap or free if possible...We will hopefully only have them at any one place for a month and Donna will take care of all of their needs)

Please keep your ears open for us.... We could sure use the help.

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