Monday, January 3, 2011

Starting the New Year...

So, I am starting the New Year off with a BANG!

I have completed almost all of the necessary work to get Golden Intentions launched and most of it before my scheduled goals. Of that, I am VERY proud! Now that it is organized and I have a few of the programs created, I am ready to go!

I have my book Climbing Fences out to edit, am waiting on its return and have pretty much come to a “level point” of this progression. I have found that this is an ongoing, never ending process of tweaking, adjusting and monitoring but am finding myself complacent. One of the things I have learned about me is that I don’t do well sitting around “waiting” so I am moving forward and making life happen.

This sabbatical has been great and I needed it to get some things done that I have wanted to get done for a VERY long time. I am SOOOOOO fortunate to have such a loving and caring woman to share this life with who aligns with the visions I have for my/our life. She has been so very supportive and encouraging and I still don’t know what I have done to deserve a woman as great as Donna!

I also want to thank ALL OF YOU who have supported and encouraged me in making this vision become a reality! All of the feedback and notes from you have really, truly, made a difference. What I have created to this point is in large part from the feedback and direction I have gotten from you...THANK YOU!!

After speaking with a friend a week ago, he told me about a website in Texas that is targeted to Non-Profits and there is a job posting page on the website ( Fortunately, I am in a place in my life where I don’t “have” to work so I can really pick and choose the jobs I find interest in and apply at “my leisure.” I really want to find a place that “fits” and don’t want to jump on anything just because I have to.

On the web site was a position for a Development Director for an organization called ChildSafe in San Antonio. After reviewing the job description and the mission of the organization ( I decided to get my resume together and apply for the job. I was quickly contacted by the CEO of the organization and advised the position had been filled. I was disappointed as I thought it might be a good fit.

The CEO advised me she had another position available as the Director of Programs for the organization and after reviewing my resume, felt I might be interested. She attached a job description and told me that if I was interested to contact her and schedule and interview.

I read the job description and did some more research on the organization and thought it would be an INCREDIBLE opportunity that would align with my vision of serving others and would still afford me the opportunity to keep Golden Intentions going.

I sent her my response and told her I was indeed interested and would love to meet and see if we would be a good fit. We have scheduled an interview for Thursday, Jan 6th at 2:00pm…I am excited!!

Over the New Year weekend, I spent most of my time researching the organization and the CEO. The job description explains the CEO is the person I would be answering to directly and I wanted to see if I could find out if we would be a good fit as part of her team.

With the information I have found, I think this looks like a GREAT opportunity, and from what I can find on the CEO, it appears we have similar paths and visions. It appears she is adamant about art, conservation, helping others and is a very driven and dedicated woman. Although I am clear the interview will be the determining factor on both sides of this job (her and I), it appears this is a good fit and I have high hopes for something great to unfold.

So for those of you reading this, wish me luck! I am hoping this will be a great fit and a place I can BE to make a difference with people in need. It is just part of who I am to be in service to others and this organization appears to be a place to continue BE-ing THAT!

I will update the blog when after the interview and hopefully continue updating it serving this organization and its clients!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Make it a HUGE year with amazing things! Remember, the life you have right now is because YOU SAY SO!! Say it loud, say it proud and go create MAGIC this year!!

Peace…. Brad

                                                              HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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