Saturday, January 15, 2011


So in my 20's I realized that for me to find a job to set me up and move forward, I had to do something to CHANGE what I was doing to get those results. I went to the police academy and overcame much to get the certification and the job. I had a wonderful time for the majority of that experience but alas, as with many thing in my life, this became tiresome and mundane...As well as the fact I was "changing" as a result of the job...So after much thought, I decided to change again.

I figured with my experience in Law Enforcement, I would be able to find a suiting job and move forward again. I quickly found that my experience limited me to the jobs I wanted and to further myself, i had to get a degree. I went back to college and completed that and went back on the job hunt.After about 100 resumes and applications, I landed a great job that offered me amazing experiences but quickly realized that to really get what I wanted, I would have to further my education so I went back for my Masters.

After attaining my Masters, I found again that jobs were not as easily attained as I thought and looked around to find something progressive. I took a couple of positions that just didn't seem to work out but hey, I had my Masters degree and much research showed me that this was something that would really carry me into something bigger and better.

Now granted, I still value education and think people really should bite the bullet and pursue higher learning if for nothing else than the learning itself...Another GREAT experience.

I am fortunate enough in this period of my life to be selective in the jobs I want and the salary I would like to make and have been tediously looking for the next thing.

As of today, I find myself frustrated... There are many jobs available for what I want but to really pursue a broad range, I have to look back at big cities... This is NOT something I want to do. I really enjoy living in a small town and like having the big city close but the jobs are not as plentiful as what I was thinking they would be.

I decided to pursue my own business and as of this week, I found that the legislators have now cut 80% of the funding that would answer to the business I would like to pursue...Another frustrating thing!

I went back on the search and found a few jobs that really are exciting and would answer to what i want. I am currently waiting on a response from a recent interview with an organization called ChildSafe in San Antonio and am really hoping THIS IS THE ONE! I should hear something in a week or so.

However, just to cover my bases, I have been searching for other positions to pursue and am finding that even with the Masters, jobs are scarce and what I want, being particular, I am finding those are limited...Unless I broaden my scope to other parts of the State and the Country...Again, not sure if I am ready for that leap but man, how can this be!?

I don't know about everyone, but my personality seems to assign "worth" with "employment" and am becoming discouraged that its so difficult. I also believe that anything great is worth waiting for but i am also one that is made up to be a person that doesn't do well with complacency... I need to be active, progressive and driven and when I see "limits" it irritates me!

 I am confident that the waiting is part of the sacrifice and anything great has to have some sacrifice. I am hoping that this time to sit, reflect and be frustrated will drive me to find the "perfect" fit, but jeeeeze, how long does it take huh??

Anyway, I seem to find some peace when I write and also like to write so that I can come back to it and be reminded of the struggles in different times in my life so I can remember what those struggles eventually uncovered.

Like I said, here it is, a time to vent!!

I am ready for "whats next" and am looking forward to what the future holds for me and my professional advancement....I think this blog is a great thing to come back to so i can be reminded that life, no matter where we are in it, is complicated, unsure and full of surprises. I KNOW that whatever is next for me is going to be PERFECT and perfect comes only when the drive to make it so is in place.

I guess its part of the dualistic universe we live in...If I was content with complacency, what would drive me to find better....Life doesn't happen to you, you make life happen.... Then again, the lotto would be nice too!!

Well, this is the blog for this period...A reminder I will have for me and to others that even when you are frustrated, always have hope and never settle...When that happens, nothing "wrong" can come from it.

Thanks for letting me vent...I will surely come back to this and laugh someday soon...But now all I can do is GRRRRRRRRRR!!!


I did drop out of Leadership Kerr County today. Just don't feel this is something that the time I do have needs to be directed to. I hate QUITTING anything, but after much thought, I really feel my energy is better suited to find something to advance my professional life. I also, PERSONALLY don't feel the program is what I originally signed up for and after giving it 5 months of effort, the experience shows me that the program is a good thing, just not the thing for me.

To all of you that read my blogs, thanks for the time and the responses. Thanks for all the encouragement ans support... Its good to know I have great people on my side!

Peace.... Brad

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