Monday, May 9, 2011

Time Share sales....

OK, so now let me explain how this works.... I will say, I am AMAZED there has not been a documentary of how this all works because OH MY GOD is it a game!! I will document how it all started and then try to add how the training part of the game worked.... It really is quite a MACHINE and many times during the process, I thought about Pink Floyds song "Welcome to the Machine."

So, day one of training....We were told we would have 3-4 days of training and then we would be cut loose...

On day one, it was me and two other people sitting in a small training room and we were met by a younger woman and the Director of the resort. It was explained to us (and this was a VERY common thing) that we were standing a the door of possibility of making a TON of money.... It was explained to us that this was a job where we could make more money than we could imagine but that there is a method to the madness which we would be taught. We were told how this job is 150% commission and I am one who always cringes when people say....

"As long as you give it 110% then I will have no problems!!"

How the hell is one gunna give MORE than 100%??? Isn't 100% all of it??

Well, she went on to explain.... "Your next three checks are guaranteed to be 400 a week, after that, you are strictly commission, you make 7% of every sale until you reach "bonus" and then after bonus you can make up to 9% commission....Basically, if you make 2 deals a week, you are gunna make over 100k a year."

After explaining this in more detail, I could see the possibility... She went on...

If you draw a "blank" one week (make no sales) then you will get a "draw" check of 400.00 that will come to you but when you make a sale, that money will come out of your commission, do it 2 weeks in a row then you will owe two weeks....So, you get a loan from the company each week you don't make a sale and you have to pay it back when you do make a sale....150% commission..."

Now I get it! HOLY CRAP!!

She went on and explained the days off which would probably not be consecutive....Everybody gets Mondays off and then you are given a second day off during the week but EVERYONE works EVERY Saturday and Sunday. She went on to explain how she would not tolerate tardiness and how she had an "open door policy" how "this is a team here" and how she simply expected us to be professional, dress professional and just have fun.

When she left, she turned it back over to our trainer, a young 30-something girl who was educated to be a teacher but struggled and then came to do sales and made 120k in her first year... She explained her experience and life there and then got to the "SCRIPT"

The funny thing about this business is that in all reality, it is just a play....The salesmen are not salesmen, they are actors! The managers aren't really managers, they are actors.... The entire show is all and act and the only people who don't know they are in the middle of the play are the customers or guests, or "ups" as they are called in other fields of sales... Man, is it a game!

So, for the first three days, we are to hand write the script and memorize it....It is broken up into thirteen parts... Each part is vital to the process and each part is scripted

1. Meet and Greet
2. Warm up
3. Gifts
4. Survey
5. Break the Pact
6. Comparables
7. Concept
8. White Book
9. Property Tour
10. RCI
11. T-Sheet
12. Ask for the Money
13. Turn the Table

Every step has a scripted part and you are expected to know the script word for word and play the part with the script word for word. You are tested every day on your ability to recite the script and are continuously tested on it after training.

The first three days is focused on memorizing the script....I would get off at 5:00pm and then be up until midnight learning the script, re-writing it, memorizing it....Man, I had not done this much memorization since my time going through my work to become a Mason...WHEW!!!!

Day four, we were scheduled to "ride" with other salesmen to get a feel for how it works... Talk about screwing you up!!

It was explained to us how vital it was to know the script word for word and present it in such fashion and every salesperson I went with used the script, but presented it in a different way... Talk about confused!!

The bad thing about my personality is if I don't understand something, it makes me feel stupid and if I feel stupid that makes me irritated and short, so the time "riding" just aggravated me because even after riding, I was told I HAVE to recite the script with the ups word for word... I will say, I was ready to go after my second ride....I had the script down and these guys were just messing me up...Let me go fail and learn myself!

My first Sunday at the job, I was put out on my own... Man, i was nervous....Trying to remember the script, trying to keep it simple, working to not lose my place in the script....Its more difficult than you think!! If you start into the process and the "up" asks a question or interrupts you, BAM! you are lost in the process and have to remember where you are without giving away to the up that you are remembering a script....HOLY HELL!!

This process is TRULY exhausting...You have to be personable, friendly, find a common bond, make sure you are getting viable information out of the ups to use in the sale, keep it lively, remember the script and not be too serious....I tell ya, my first three or four days was harder than even my days in my 20's as a roofer....I was completely and totally spent!! The first Sunday on my own, I got home and felt like my legs were 300lbs of noodles, my torso was knotted and tense, my eyes felt like the weighed 800lbs but my head would NOT shut up!! The script, the people, the process....Man, it was just soooooooo much to take in....

Donna was there that first Sunday night and I tried to lay down, completely exhausted, at 11:00pm ready to go to bed, but my head was so busy, my thoughts going so many directions, my day just going through my head, kicking myself for the steps I had missed, etc....I could not sleep....It literally felt like I had a mouse running around in the frontal lobe of my brain.... I had to get up and sit out on the porch and just let it all unwind.... I got to bed that night at 2:00am.

So let me take you through how it works.... Again, it really is amazing to me how this has not been on some undercover documentary from some news series...

I was told when I started by one of the long time people in the company..... "This is all a play....You have your actors (the sales reps and managers) the stage (the sales room) a Director (the sales director) and everyone is here to play their part!"

The marketing of this is incredible.... The company gives a variety of gifts....Cruises, trips to Orlando or Las Vegas (with restrictions in small print), gas cards, the opportunity to win 49k or a new car, there are registration booths at every mall, every festival, every trade day, every event, every zoo, function or public gathering you can think of....Sign your name, drop a card in to win the car or the cruise and you have sealed your fate....You will be hounded by phone and snail mail, e-mail, or whatever until you commit to come get your free gifts and hear an hour and a half presentation (which is stated to be required for you to receive your gifts)

1. Meet and Greet
The object is to make a great first impression, smile, call out the ups name, approach them and introduce yourself.... "Hi, welcome to the Hill Country resort, my name is Brad, I will be your tour guide today..." and the script goes on to the next step....

We walk from the visitor center to the sales floor (called THE PIT) where there are a large amount of tables in the room, music playing kind of loud, the buzz of the other salesmen and people talking, every "up" facing a certain way and situated just as directed to sit, there is a "front end" section and a "back end" section that helps the other actors in their portion of the play.... The room is just a BUZZ of energy, noise, activity.... Remember, there are generally 100+ tours scheduled EVERY day, 30+ sales reps on staff and 20-25 of those reps there any given day...all 30+ on weekends.

2.Warm up
Make a friend, find a common bond.... "so, ever been in this area before? What brings you out here (Duh, the frickin gifts!!)... How did you get off today? What are your kids names, how long have you been married, where are you originally from, yada, yada, yada.... It is recommended that this part of the process be at LEAST 15 minutes and you are encouraged to find a way to break the ice with these people where you are becoming their friend...a person they can trust.... Remember, this process is FAST and ALOT of information is given very quickly...again, all part of the machine!!

3. Gifts
"So, lets see what you came out down here for today...." and you go in to explain the gifts they have.... They vary and sometimes the gifts aren't as extravagant as the others, so you just explain them to them. At the end, you ask them "Do you have ANY questions about your gifts?" Because the idea is that the ONLY reason the people are there is FOR the gifts....Once all the questions are answered about the gifts, then they can focus on what you have to say about the program.... (and the answers about the gifts are scripted....If they ask a question outside of the script, you are to say "I am new, I don't really know that answer, I don't want to lead you wrong (build trust right) so when we get back, I will make sure those questions get answered" (which the questions are NEVER remembered by the end of the presentation but you have now got that portion of the process out of their head.)

4. Survey
This is BY FAR the MOST important part of the process....This is where you are getting the ammo to use to secure the sell... Its so subtle, most people NEVER get what is happening but the better you do this part of the play, the more secure you are in getting YOUR part of the process completed. "Let me tell you a little about our company......" and then you tell them you are completing a "vacation planner" and there are "no right or wrong answers" "We ask you these questions, you answer as honestly as you can, we take your answers and send them to corporate which uses your answers to build our resorts to suit you and people like you so just give me your honest responses....."

Now this survey asks things like "when was your last vacation" (which tells you how much the travel and IF they vacation) "How much did it cost you" (so now you know how much they generally spend on a week) "How many weekend getaways do you take? How much do those cost you" (now you know about how much they spend a month on getting away and how much money they are spending each year on FUN....This is a VITAL tool later in the game and in the closing) "Where do you REALISTICALLY see yourself vacationing in the next three to five years?" (this is vital because it gives us an idea on how much money they plan to spend, where they intend to go and allows us to use this again later to show them how to do it cheaper....Again, all part of a VERY big process and NOW you have JUST become part of the machine...And you don't even know it!)

The survey gets very detailed and this is a point you can continue to warm up....remember, people LOVE to talk about themselves.... "So Bob and Mary, how did you like going to New Orleans? I have never been there, what are some of the fun things to do there in case I ever want to go" (I have been to New Orleans 3 times)....And man, the people now will go on forever....Just be interested and make them think their vacation is the coolest you have ever heard....Gets them excited about taking the next one...

Do you hear the song in your head???

"Welcome my son, welcomeeeee to the machine!!!"

5. Break the Pact
It is a VERY well known thing that couples come out to this resort with one not wanting to go, it is also very well known that they make a "pact" when they come out that they are "not going to buy anything"...As a matter of fact, in the process, you even make jokes about it... "Oh I know how it went, "Honey, I don't care what they say, we aren't buying anything" so just keep an open mind OK?

Anyway, this is the process that is so simple, so very subtle, and OH MY GOD, its so much more powerful than you think!!

"So Bob and Mary, what did you expect when you came out here today? Well, let me explain... We invited you out here today because every time we build new condos (there hasn't been a new condo built in years) we invite people like you to come and see what we have to offer....IF YOU LIKE IT AND YOU CAN SEE HOW IT WILL BENEFIT YOUR FAMILY, THEN I AM GOING TO ASK YOU TODAY TO BECOME MY NEWEST OWNER... (and you reach out to shake their hand) once your hand has been taken, the PACT is broken.... The word they gave each other when leaving the house has just been re-established with, such a subtle twist but so impacting... I have read other things like this in different manipulations of thoughts...its planting a seed and reaching in to that part inside all of us that makes us value our word....some not as strong as others, but its there! Trust me, these resorts weren't built on luck!)

6. Comparables
Once the pact has been broken, then you go to another sheet of comparables....This shows you in writing and with queuing comparables of what people are doing now in regards to their vacations and showing them how to do it "BETTER" and more "COST EFFECTIVE".... Here is the first place "numbers" really come into play with the ups knowledge... You take the cost they are spending on a variety of vacations (which we can answer to with our resorts) and then show them how stupid they are for spending their money that way and how brilliant they would be if they spent it our way.... Again, a very subtle way to keep nurturing the seed you have planted....the information is fast, scripted and really doesn't give the up time to consider any other options... Its not a joke, its real numbers, real money they are spending and this shows them how they could spend it with us and have just as much fun with an enormous amount of savings over a lifetime of vacationing....

I will say right now, before I go any further, and I will say it again throughout this.... I BELIEVE IN THE PRODUCT THEY ARE SELLING!!

What I was selling is a weeks vacation, quality time, memories spent with family, things that will literally change peoples lives....The only way a person could lose on this deal is to NOT USE IT!!

I have worked with struggling families, problem marriages, problem kids, etc....or a VERY long time.... One of the KEY things in those problems is that families DON'T spend quality time together.... I am a firm believer that if families took more interest in spending quality time together, there would be ALOT less breakdowns in the family structure we see today.... With that said, let me continue....

So you take the people through a process of what they are spending and then show them how they could have the same experiences with us for alot less money.... Generally, people are dumbfounded by now, seeing the amount of money they are spending on just fun stuff....AND how they are spending it WITHOUT spending quality time TOGETHER!! Its CRAZY!!

7. Concepts
This portion of the process is also done on a worksheet....Its funny, they teach and teach and teach you how your "pen" is a magic wand and the people will follow your pen....It is SOOOOOOOO True!!! I can direct peoples attention anywhere I want with a simple movement of my pen....I can break their concentration or direct their concentration with JUST my pen.... And folks, I now there are skeptics out there who will say "Oh no, not me....I am brighter than that" let me again remind you....This place has 14 resorts all over the USA...RESORTS!! Not hotels.... THOUSAANDS of owners and it was all done with this process....Don't think it doesn't work! 120-180k of business from ONE resort a day, EVERY day (average) with 14 do the math!

In concepts, you are showing the people how they are "renting" their vacations and how "renting" is "bad" and then show them how to "own" their vacations and how owning is "good".... Again its a GREAT concept and there is alot of truth to it.... If people will use this program like its intended, it really is a GREAT thing for families!

You explain in concepts how most people use hotels to vacation, how you rent hotels, how silly that is and then show them how they can get a 2bdrm, 2ba condo with us, that's exclusive, at a resort, with all the amenities, etc, is the smarter buy.... You are also explaining to them how you are buying a "week of vacation" for the rest of their life, their kids lives, etc....

8. White book
This is the part where you have covered the money, what they are spending, shown them how they are wasting their money and then you get to the White Book which is the notebook with all the pictures of all the resorts. You go through each resort, what they have to offer, what the area has to offer, by using the information they have given you on the survey, you make sure to hit on the topics that are of interest to them and their families and "SELL" it! You take a short amount of time to explain how the weeks ownership works and then you take them out on property to see the resort they have been "invited to."

9. Property tour
This was part of my favorite thing in the process....It got me out of the big ass room (the pit) with the loud music (to cover the voices of the people next to your table going over the same script) where the ups are facing away from the front of the room (for a reason) and it really felt like you were in the "wheels" of the machine... This got us outside on the property.

This was the good part because the resort and the area are beautiful so it really just sold itself. We would go out and see a 2 level condo, then go tour the amenities, I would take them down to the lake, explain all the cool places around us, go show them a one story condo....SELL, SELL, SELL!!! But don't oversell....Let it sell itself!

The goal for a sales rep is to get the people to this point and leave the last condo with no other reason to not do this BUT the money.... My job was to sell it to every personality, every type of person, use the survey and our amenities to fit their lifestyle and then ask them....

"So, you love it right?"
"Oh yes, I/WE LOVE IT"

"You see how it benefits you and your family right?"

"Oh absolutely!!"

"So what would stop you TODAY from becoming my newest owner?"

"Uhhhhhmmmmm, THE MONEY"

And if you get ANY other answer than that, you have NOT done your job....As one of the old timers there explained to me.... "Your job is to funnel it all down to where the ONLY reason they wouldn't do this is the money....If you do that, you have done your job!"

If you get answers like.... "Oh this just isn't for me" or "this isn't suiting my lifestyle" or "I would never use it" or ANY OTHER excuse but the money, you have missed them somewhere in the process.... But I learned the keys to this quickly....I had a few people who gave me those other answers but once I understood "tie downs" I never had this problem again....Let me take a sidenote to explain...

"Tie Downs" is "putting them in the picture" and again, it is so friggin subtle but I actually SAW it work time and time again.... Amazing how manipulative words can be when put in the right order....

A "tie down" is simply asking the person.... "So, do you see yourself using more of the resorts here in Texas or more the ones outside of Texas?" "So, do you see yourself out here BBQ-ing or inside making cookies?" "So, when I come to look for you am I going to find you at the pool or at the horseshoe pits" "So, will your kids like the gameroom or the movie theater better?"

Shit like that....Those are tie downs and man, I saw it work over and over again....People all resistant to the place and the process but after asking these questions, holy shit, they would really start to just see themselves at the resort, doing those things, making those choices....It really was incredible to see this shift!

10. RCI
"RCI stands for Resorts Condominiums International and when you become my newest owner TODAY, you will get enrolled into RCI."

Back in the survey section, you ask the people where their DREAM vacation is....If they could go anywhere in the world, where would they go...And you ask for 2-3 places.... Again, a tool to use later, NOW!

So after showing them the tour, explaining all the benefits and getting them to it being nothing more than the MONEY, you drop/pitch RCI....The way to make your dreams a reality!!

"RCI works like a checking put your money in, you take your money out.....RCI works the same way...You deposit your week in, then you take your weekout. So, Bob and Mary, in about 2 weeks, you will get your owners card (love those little subtle sales notes huh)....Lets say you don't want to use any of the resorts for your week....the kids have moved time for you guys to live your dreams.... So you call the 1-800 number on your owners card and tell them "I want to deposit my week" and then hang up the phone (then you bring this 1" thick book of pictures of resorts onto the table)..."You pull out your RCI book and you guys told me you want to go to Jamaica" (You open up the book to Jamaica or wherever their "bucket list" destination is), "well now you can go to Jamaica!....You open this book, find Jamaica, pick through this list of resorts and find one you like and tell them at RCI the number and time you want to go and you can go stay in Jamaica for your week, 8 days, 7 nights, in at least a 2bdrm, 2ba condo for a transfer fee of 199.00...Bob and Mary, that is 28.00 a day for a 2bdrm, 2ba condo, anywhere in the world for 28.00 a day.... Now you get to make those dreams a reality!"

Then show them the other destinations they stated or show them others that are amazing and beautiful... Its the cherry on top...

"Now Bob and Mary, let me show you what all this costs"

11. T-Sheet
"What we have been talking about is TODAYS offer but we do have an anytime offer...." And you go through a process of just how sweet todays offer is verses the tomorrows offer....And in all reality, based on what people say they spend on vacations and fun, the offer is pretty good.....BUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT!!!!

The offer is CREATED for the ups to say "NO!" and to say NO because of the money (Down and monthy to be precise)

12. Ask for the money.
Bob and Mary, you told me a little while ago that you were going to spend 90k conservatively over the next 20 years vacationing (and yes, that's realistic...I just havent gone through the process here). So let me ask you, if you could vacation over the next 20 years for 90k (and circle that figure with your pen) or 15,5k for the rest of your life (and circle that figure with a line going to it) WHICH ONE ARE YOU GOING TO DO!? (and they ALWAYS choose the 15,5)

"Of course you are.... Now that's just 3875.00 down today, 36 months at 491.11 a month and then you own it! Bob and Mary, how would you like to take care of that today, cash, credit card, debit card?" (and drop your pen on the tabel and sit back....First one to talk is a sucker!!)

Generally you hear.... "oh man, that down is a killer" or "I have the down but that monthly" or "I love it but the down and the monthly"

And this is EXACTLY what you want them to say....PEEERRRFECT!!!

So now you go back to the script, the play....

"You know Bob and Mary, I understand....This isn't for everyone.... But you know what, you really see the value here in this, you see how this will help your family and I know you had some questions that I couldnt answer because I am new.... Let me call a manager over here to answer your questions and see if HE CAN HELP US!"

You raise your hand and this is.....

13. Turn the table
After raising your hand, you get the attention of the manager at the front of the room (remember, the "ups" are facing a certain way for a reason) and then they come to your table for their part in the play. As they walk up to your table you say.....

"Mr or Ms manager, this is Bob and Mary, they love EVERYTHING about the program, definately see the benefits in owning verses renting, the only thing stopping them from becomiong my newest owners today is the down payment and the monthly....Is there anyhting you can do to HELP US OUT?"

And then the manager goes into his part of the script.... Here is my understanding of how that part is played...

The manager comes up, grabs a seat and "warms up".... "were ya from, what do you do, how long you been doing that, how long you been married????" Etc..... and then they find a common bond..... "Oh your brother drives a dump truck? My uncle does that, been doing it for 20 years....."..... "Oh, you are from San Antonio, I am too??? You know that little BBQ shack on the corner of town by (whatever)? I use to go there all the time"

Now the funny thing here is that the manager probably has never been there or even have an uncle but there is always a BBQ place or Chicken Shack in every town...if there isn't, there use to be so the people always say "Oh yeah, that little red building on the south side of town?" and the manager responds "Yeah, that one....Your right, it was called Henrys now that I remember it....Man, they had good food!"


I hear the song........

"Welome my son, welcommmmeeeee to the machine!!!"

After they warm up, they generally say...

"Man, I don't generally work in this department and I was called over today to cover for how busy they are....I generally work in member services" (not true)

SIDE NOTE!!! And its ALWAYS busy....Every day, the marketing department schedules 100+ tours to be there with the gifts....On the weekends, it can be as many as 250 tours A DAY!! The place is always packed and it always works to tell them "Yeah, this is a multi million dollar resort, people are just dying to get in here...You see the crowd...Sorry you had to wait....

And let me tell you, these people will WAIT and WAIT, and WAIT....I had some people that waited as long as 4 hours to take a tour so they could get those bullshit prizes....they have to take the tour to get the prizes and they will WAIT to get them ALLL FRIGGIN day in a room with people and a TV playing AFV (video, repeats), playing bingo, listening to people sing kareoke....Its INSANE what people will endure for something FREE!!

So the manager goes on....

"I work in member services and sometimes I get deeds come across my desk from people that upgrade and go into different seasons or transition up to presidentials...When that happens, I have 4 hours legally that I can hold onto that deed before I have to relist it back to market value....In all reeality, the deed Brad spoke to you about today is TODAYS promotional offer....It is generally set at 19,8k so its a great buy at 15,5k (and generally the people agree) but I am with you, this financing is kinda rough and its done this way because we dont check credit....but hang on....give me just a second...I have an idea.....I might just....Wait right here....I AM GUNNA HELP YOU!

And the manager walks off from the table.... Generally, since the "ups" backs are to the managers, the managers will give you cues behind their back about where to hit them up, to keep talking, entertain the kids, get them some water...Whatever...

They walk off for about 3-5 minutes and then come back... In that 3-5 minutes, the managers take the survey you filled out and go look at their answers, money commitments, places they want to go, etc.....Like I said, the survey is VITAL!! They come back to the table and.....

"OK, I thought I saw this earlier....Like I said, I dont work in this department, I work in another department but I think I have a way to HELP YOU.... I found an old deed that really has the same benefits as the one Brad talked to you about (or depending on the feel of the up, the manager will pitch them a wide array of options)....Let me show you...."

Then they go through the process of explaining the options and how this deed was bought "years ago, before we had a pool or the other resorts...So it was bought alot cheaper....These people just upgraded and I have this deed...After talking to you guys, I can see how this would really help you and your family and want to offer this to you.....You can get this same deed for and save you but the killer deal on this deed is it was bought back then and has "VIP time" and you will get that benefit with the purchase of this deed...."

Such a game and such a ploy but the people are just FLOORED!!!!

The down payment is cut in half, the payments are cut in half and now the people are drooling over it.....Torn, twisted, WANT IT!!


There is still always the problem of the money and the job of the manager (closer) is to make that money job is now done...All I do is listen and MAYBE interject some tips I have gotten from them with our time together to give more tools to use to close the deal.

The managers (closers) go back and forth, using mental mind games they gathered from the survey to apply pressure to the ups to get the deal done....the beauty of this is the pressure is there but its never presented from the pitch or the salesmen....the people have put the pressure on themselves with the answers they gave....You are simply reminding them of their answers....

I remember a few years back when in school reading about "mind control" and its amazing how many of those simple gimmicks are incorporated into this process.... Its just amazing to see it unfold.

Now, the way it works is for every 10 No's you get 2 yesses so you are expected to fail 80% of the time... If you arent doing 20% you are missing something in the script or there is a flaw in your process somewhere.....The hardest part of this business is figuring out the game because it changes with each individual.... Every person is different, every person has different hot buttons...Honing your skill allows you to find those better and faster....Until you do that, a day with three ups is fricking exhausting!!

So, the manager gets to a point where the people buy or they dont...If they buy, you are going to have another hour or so with them, if not, you leave and IMMEDIETELY go get another up and start the process all over, EXACTLY the same.

Generally the managers/closers will give you feedback about what needs to be done the next time or to congratulate you but once you are off the table, the saying is....

"Fuck it.....NEXT!"

And you move on!

Now this sounds all simplistic and easy but let me tell you, if people intimidate you or you dont know how to warm up to people, you might as well hang it up!

EVERY person comes through that door expecting a pitch....EVERY person comes in thinking its a scam or there is some catch or whatever....Every person you meet is resistant in some way....some are subtle, some are firm...You have to read it....You have to realize that when a couple sits down, ones going to be more resistant than the other one and the one talking to you and with you IS NOT who you should be working on....You want to get the person that is shut down to come around and its amazing when that light switch turns....You can actually see it....arms unfold, purses get taken out of laps, people actually scoot closer to the table to you....and much of this strategy is in simple little tips and cues...MANIPULATION!!

There is so much to it man....reading people, staying alert, paying attention, listening to people.... Because at anytime that switch can turn RIGHT back off and it does!! ALOT!

If you lose them, you have to get them back....if you win them, you have to keep em won....It really is exhausting in a way that is hard to describe....

When I first started, I saw everyone drinking MONSTERS all day long to keep their energy up (if your energy is up, your ups energy is up) and I tried it.....Found very quickly that MONSTERS make me a MONSTER because after 2 days of taking them, all I wanted to do was choke people!!! LOL!! I stopped those quickly!!

Let me revisit this before I end this portion of it.....


Sadly, as I have found in all of my professional fields, you CANNOT talk people into their greatness or into betterment of their lives....Sometimes it just takes a little trickery for people to "get it" and this was no different.

I worked for years trying to let people know how to create their life better from a broken down place and it was always tough....This was no different!!!

How can tricking people into spending quality time with their family be a BAD thing?? I mean really, if this tricking keeps one kid off the streets, one family together  (because families that play together stay together) then how is it a bad thing???

The place is beautiful...walk around the facility and you dont see any sad faces or mad people....its families having fun, enjoying their time together, BBQ-ing, playing horseshoes, swimming.... It really is the fiber that kept me moving forward in the job....

BUTTTTTTTTTTT...... (always a butt ;) )

The hours were long and tedious....No breaks, no lunches, sometimes working 13 hour days, no set time to know when you would be off work, no pay unless you made a sale (and I made about 1 a week....1 week I made no sells) work every weekend, no paid vacation time, always being harped on for better numbers, so many shallow and uncaring people in the business, the "act" of it all, the egos, the attitudes, the "game" of it all.... THIS was not why I moved to the Hill Country....As a matter of fact, this type of job is one of the very reasons we RAN to the Hill Country... The rat race is not a place I really want to live in anymore.

Plus, (this is a good plus) Donna and I really did not enjoy being apart....It was hard, it was painful and we decided long ago that we want to spend our life together, not apart! We are blessed that after 18 years of being together, we still cant stand to be away from each other....Hardships, trials, pain, struggles....They are all much easier to manage together than apart.... We choose together!

So, as I look back, I am torn....I have a bittersweet feeling about all of it....I went, I failed! It didnt go how I had imagined....

BUUUUTTTTTT had I not gone, I would forever be asking myself "what if" and I have been telling people for a very long time.....

"Never go through life asking "what if" always move forward with "why not." and this is where I find peace in it all!

Truth is found in experience and this experience showed me that my life with Donna and our life together is better than any life apart!

Man, what a ride.... I think about those people who have been doing this type of job for YEARS and how in the world they manage it.... I feel for the young 28-ish year olds who are making 120k a year and telling me they dont have anything to show for it, how they are spending it all as they get it and how much they are going to regret those decisions later.... I think about the families I did sell to and hope they make lasting memories together and that I made an impact in their lives by this play I walked them through.... I will never forget the turkeys in front of my apartment, the wild birds that woke me up, the peacefulness of River Road, my nights going to bed missing Donna and wishing she was close to me, the lonliness I felt when I was sitting on that porch thinking of Donna and my loved ones, my desire to be home, and the game.... I will never forget the game..... WOW, what an experience!


  1. Absolutely fascinating. Anyone who wants to understand human psychology better should read this. It reminds me of the classic movie "Glenn Gary Glenn Ross"...

    "Coffee is for closers!"


  2. Funny, someone sent me that clip when I was explaining this to them in person.

  3. Brad: thanks for sharing this. See my note I sent as a message via FB.

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