Friday, September 30, 2011

1st Service project

OK, Let me do pictures first, THEN story....Enjoy!!

So today, YouthBuild Kerrville took on their first service project as a team and went to assist the Texas Heritage Music Foundation manage their event. 

We started the day as we usually do and had our gathering at the school. We did something a little different today and that was a DECLARATION!! 

I DECLARED that I was going to bring CONNECTION to the event and then asked each of the students what they were going to bring, in one word.... I heard...

"Leadership.....Caring.... Love.....Joy....etc.... 

There was so many gifts that this group was bringing.... Attached is a video of that exercise and each team members DECLERATION!
We got to the event and everyone was assigned their individual tasks, and I stated to go around and take pictures, monitor the team, make sure everyone was doing their job, contributing, SERVING the others at the event... 

I have to say that ONCE AGAIN, YouthBuild SHOWED UP!!

I have continuously been amazed at the ability of these young people and am brought to tears again and again by the power they  possess...It is truly a magical, God, Spiritual, Zen....WHATEVER you want to call it, THING!!

We had the youth wear their shirts and told them to be prepared to talk to people about what YouthBuild is....I explained they would probably be asked what it was all about and told them to be ready with their answers.  

I was able to speak to Keith and he told me that he walked up to one of the students and asked them....

"What is YouthBuild?"

And they kind of stumbled but had great answers so I decided to put it to the test, video a few of them and this is what SHOWED UP!!  

Man, what an amazing day, and what a GREAT group of young people we have the pleasure to be involved with....I have to say it, I am TRULY blessed!!!

And as I reflect back to my time when I was unemployed for ten months, questioning the distinctions of the world that I hold so true to my should, wondering if I was lying to myself, NOT trusting the process....And guess what, the Universe ONCE AGIAN has shown me that she is in control.... 

I remember a mentor telling me once....

"Rocks are hard...Water is wet, the universe is the ultimate Guru...."

How true that is...... Hope you enjoy the videos...they are short, and DEFINATELY sweet!! 

REMEMBER, these kids were NOT expecting me to walk up and ask them this...They thought I was going to take their picture....They had no clue it was an interview!!

Michael Earl…..



Crystal and Britt….






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