Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pay attention

So today, while taking breaks in between doing things around the house, I happened to stop by Facebook to check on how the world is doing. Earlier today, I repiled to a friends post who was taking his bike out for a ride. When I checked my e-mail, I saw that a pesron who was at one point in my life, probably the most profound figure IN my life (outside of my family) had responded to me on my friends page, in that post.

Without going into details, about 6 years ago this person said some things to me and accused me of some things that were not true. As a result, I was really wounded by this and responded to this person with a letter expressing my pain and hurt. In that letter, I voiced how hurt I was, explained the extent of the hurt and said my goodbyes to this person. Again, without details, this is hard for anyone to comprehend and I dont feel the need to re-open those wounds here....BUT, after all this took place today something AMAZING happened.

After I saw the reply to me, I sat at stared at my comp screen for at least 20 minutes and then responded with a short response.... This was how it went...

Him: "Brads still alive."
Me: "Got a few bruises, suffered a few scars, still livin large"

I did this with the intention of him knowing I was still suffering from our last interaction.... I guess I didnt want him to forget....

A few minutes later, my father sent me an e-mail to comment on this interaction on facebook with this person..... Here was how that e-mail went....

My dad: "Saw XXX is on fb and has inquired of XXX about you.  I sent him a message just saying HI and happy to see him on fb.  Was glad to see you responded to his inquiry as well."

Me: "Yeah....To tell you the truth, I sat and looked at my screen for about 20 minutes (no shit) before I typed that.... Funny how much pain I still associate with all that shit man....Really is!

The thing about his response to XXX is he knows where I am and what I am doing....He and XXX talk all the time.... I am curious as to why he is reaching out like that.... But I am sure time will reveal the answer, and I think he probably gets the "edge" in my response to him."

Once I sent that e-mail, NATURE called, and I went to answer.... In my bathroom, I have reading material (Gifts From a Course in Miracles, Marianne Williamson) and I grabbed the book and opened it to a random page.... Just opened the book..... On page 128 this was what was waiting on me...

"You attack in the present in retaliation for a past that is no more; and this decision is one of future pain. Unless you learn that past pain is an illusion, you are choosing a future of illusions and losing the many opportunities you could find for release in the present."

I am not of the common belief as many in regards to God and how he works in our lives and in our wolrd, but I do believe he/she talks to us and reaches out to us and that most times we miss it simply because we arent paying attention.... Well, nature called, and I am paying attention....WOW!!!

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