Saturday, August 20, 2011

Money is just a conversation

I was told a few years back....

"Money is just a conversation"

I was in a tough spot financially, thinking about giving up on my profession and possibly going to wash dishes, and I gotta say, at that time, it was a VERY loud conversation.

Well, as have many things I have been enlightnened to in my life; quotes and saying always seem to stick with me and become more and more of a truth as I get older. Its odd how this happens.

Let me explain.....

I have a freind in Colorado right now dealing with a sick parent. An old friend and the parent was someone I was familiar with in my youth.... She didnt like me very much, but we grew to really appreciate each other. ;) (I was such a little turd!)

Well, my friend is with her ailing parent right now and I had this thought run through my head....

"You know, right now, I could not FATHOM spending 325.00 on my motorcycle, or truck, or gas to go to San Antonio.....But let someone call me and tell me that someone dear to me was ill, 325.00 for me to get there would no longer be a "conversation" in my head....It wouldnt even be an obstacle!!"

So, I guess I am blogging this because I was really able to take this concept out of my head and simplify this distinction.


We can always find a way!

Anyone that reads this, please post your thoughts.

And to end this, I am thinking of Karen and her family in this hard time. Please take a minute and send a good vibe there way!

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