Wednesday, April 24, 2019

We travel in circles.

As many of you know from my blogs, or from knowing me personally, I was a bit of a troubled youth as I was growing up. Because of certain people in my life, I was influenced in my direction. As many troubled kids, there are a few people from your youth who stand out, made an impact, created a connection that is unforgettable.

I have been blessed with several.

I cant tell you every counselor I spoke to, every teacher I had, every cop I encountered, every principals office I sat in... But there are a few who I can never forget.

In my early, to mid teens, my father introduced me to a cop in Colorado Springs. A HUGE black guy, he was Mr. Colorado, or Mr. Colorado Springs, I cant remember. As I remember him, he was this monster of a guy. He was one of the few cops I had ever really interacted with, and he took an interest in me. Now, I wont tell you it stopped me from doing anything. But I always remembered this guy never had a bad thing to say to me, he never made less of my dreams, he never told me I couldn't do it my way....He was just VERY CLEAR about explaining consequences, and he always lifted me up. He was probably the first person who ever connected with me in such  way that I understood my choices brought me results... I never forgot that, modeled how I interacted with my kids as well as my foster kids. Have made huge impacts with youth by that lesson

I cant actually remember a direct interaction or conversation we had, but I remember his presence in my life, I always have.

His name was Fletcher Howard, and he was a Colorado Springs Police Officer, probably a rookie at that time, and has always just been someone I have remembered fondly.

I remember when I graduated from Grad School, I reached out to Fletcher and sent him pics, and a letter thanking him, and explaining the path I took from the time he was in my life. I told him how it was people like him that led me to work with troubled youth. I wanted him to know my gratitude.

I don't think we ever connected after that, but I knew it got to him, and as long as he got it, I didn't care, I jut wanted him to know.

After a career in Law Enforcement, College, Grad School, Program Director, Administrator, DOR Supervisor, Abuse and Neglect Case Manager, and all my journeys, I am in Denver, at a Drury Inn, in the FEMA Emergency Manager Academy with a group of people who will be the next ERA of disaster preparedness in this state. I am in the lobby with my classmates and hear one of them talking to a lady about her husband. She too is one of my classmates. The are talking and he is praising her husband, and his service to Colorado Springs. They go on, and I hear them say 39 years with the Colorado Springs Police Department. I jokingly look over and said

"39 years?? Your husband might have arrested me back in the day"

And the conversation went on.

Then I heard them say her husband was the first black detective for CSPD, and I leaned in....

"Is your husband Fletcher Howard?"

And she said

"Yes, did he arrest you?"

And I laughed and told her the story....

He is coming to the Hotel this weekend, and I probably have not seen him since I was 16 years old.... I just cant tell you how blown my mind is. I had to get this written down. I am actually going to come face to face with one of the people from my youth that impacted me throughout my life, and has never been forgotten. I am now peers with his wife professionally.... I am just floored...

I will update as this unfolds, but man, it sure is a small world....

And isn't it crazy the circle we exist in????