Monday, October 25, 2010

On the way!!

So, Sunday I was able to get my website up and running. It is simple and easy right now, but I am working out the details to have the design placed on the site and start to "brand" this as I understand it.

Its cool to see a page with my name and words on it and it allows me to see I am one step closer to attaining what I want. I was contacted today and asked if I would be interested in doing a program for 600 seniors at a large school district.

This is very exciting and a little intimidating... 600 kids? They could chew me up and spit me out!!

Well, it was only an inquiry but I have no doubts that I will entertain audiences that big, so I might as well start big and grow from there! At this stage in my life, I better!! LOL!!

I really never thought I would go back into business for myself, and here I am. Was able to get alot of writing done today and was able to chat with Kenya. He truly gets me pumped up!

Well, one step closer to the goal. We will see how this unfolds... Have some meetings this week with some folks about putting on some smaller groups and maybe get my parenting class going again. We shall see!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Me on TV with Kathi!!

I did a benefit for a local nurse that needed help. I did a TON of outreach on it and was able to get us a spot on a local TV station on October 9th, 2010... Check it out here!!

OK is the TV show broadcast!! PLEASE spread this link around!!

A friend suggested I post this...

I had a friend who asked what kind of services I would be providing, and I went into some detail with him... he thought it would be a good idea to get this in my blog...So here it is!

I have a few things... One that I have set and has had GREAT reviews is called "How To Improve Your Parenting Programs" I have lectured with this topic on three or four separate occasions as well as taken it to organizations to train their staff. Non-Profits and social working, people who do "groups" in their jobs, etc... its beneficial for "trainers" and "case managers"

I have some programs on social work and BEING with people that is kind of outside of the norms from what they are taught in higher education... (vulnerability, transparency, unity with clients, etc...)

I have been told that people want to "hear my story" so I am going to work on an hour or two of that (which you know me, I could do a 6 hour session on that!! ;) ).... How I incorporate BE,DO,HAVE, and show results bigger than circumstances, how certain distinctions have shown evident in my life, (ie... my blog on the maze game, LIVING my contract, Committed beyond convenience, NEVER settle, excellence vs perfection, etc....)

Am willing to do programs for "self care management" (but need to format this into a presentation)

Goals, and the power of thought and how it creates action, or the lack of action (which is still action) again, I need to format this...

I have some school programs for at risk youth, I can generate experiential trainings to meet certain organizational/teams...

I can do just about anything for an hour or two ESPECIALLY for kids and in schools.... All I need is an idea and a little time.

I think I could do a GREAT presentation to parents at schools... About my shady youth, my dysfunctional past and where I am now, and WHY I am where I am now... I think I could give great ease to parents struggling with "troubled youth"

 I have to re-connect with this as I have stepped away from it for about a year. I am in the process of "re-attaining" the tools I need (books on exercise ideas, materials, a laptop, a projector)

I also have a parenting program that was my Senior Thesis in Grad School that is targeted to the Lower Socio-Economic status group of people. I also have a great presentation to defend why it works, with self generated, evidence based documentation that shows it works, which I can present to an organization who might like to contract me to do a parenting program for their organization (ie...CPS, Shelters, Divorce Court, "Single Mother" homes and programs, Men's groups, etc...).

This is my BABY here... This is what I want to hone more technically so I can gather it together, format it as a workable curriculum and market it. There are NO....AND I MEAN, NOOOOO parenting programs targeted to lower socio-economic classes (Trust me, I have done the research....well I did in 08).... there are "single black mother" parenting programs, "Hispanic single mother" parenting programs, "Teen parenting" programs, but NOTHING for uneducated, generational poverty classes of people (which I hate to tell you, is what is really the majority of people raising children, young ones too!)....

THIS is where I can make a HUGE impact in the world... Simple skills, in a format they can understand, experiential....(in almost every parenting class I had, I had at least one person who couldn't read.) I see mothers from my classes three years later who learned one or two skills in my class that they STILL use today, and I can see it! (and I teach a bunch with the hopes of them grasping one or two...SIMPLE, little things man....Remember, its the LITTLE things that make the most difference!). Its a six week class, two hours a night, one night a week. I had repeats that would come back JUST because they loved the class....some 3 and 4 times.

Man, do you GET THAT??.... No money, find babysitters, find a way to get to the class (most don't have cars), make every class and do it 3-4 times... One lady rode a bike to make the class.... even had one lady come do the class while she was living in her car, and made every class, on time, while people with cars and no excuses would show up late... (And I have strict ground rules...accountability ya know! Another skill LSE people lack)...WOW!! I feel unworthy sometimes!

 It TRULY changed their lives for the better and they are modeling a behavior for their kids to follow now....something they, nor their mommas, or their grandmammas' ever taught them... I LOVE IT MAN!! Can ya tell!!??... It has to start there man!

This is an idea of the direction I want to go with all of this... If you see a need for this anywhere, please keep me in mind.

Friday, October 22, 2010

There are no accidents!!

So, today I got my web site started (don't get excited, nothing there yet) I was able to have almost all of my stuff off my flash drive recovered (Send your business to Laptops here in town...Dale is the MAN!) and am now ready to start putting programs together so I can get back into the schools, do workshops, lecture, get my parenting classes rolling again, etc... Man,
I am excited!!

Funny how a year and a half ago, I was petrified and now I am like a kid in a candy store and I don't know which way to turn!! So, let me get to what took place today...

As I was driving home from doing errands, I saw a lady who had taken my parenting class drive next to me. I knew she was going to her place of business, so I followed her since it was just a block away.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I could see Marion looking in her side mirror trying to figure out who this guy was pulling up behind her car. I stepped out, was greeted with her warm smile, she got out of her car and walked up to hug me. She said, "Brad, what are you doing???" and I responded, "I am stalking you Marion?" and gave her a wink... She said "Oh, I like that, good thing....You got a minute to sit and chat?"

I did, so I followed her into her office (Archway Recovery Centers)... We sat down, did the general, informal greetings, found out our families were all good, life was all good, yada, yada, yada...

We get to the point about my "line of work" and I explain to her that I am going to give it a shot of getting out on my own. Her eyes lit up and she said "Brad, I need someone to do kids groups for a project I am doing to meet the needs of at risk kids, and kids with addiction problems! You are wonderful with groups, what do you think?"

I was floored...I knew that the doors were continuing to open... We discussed this opportunity a bit and we both realized there were some details we needed to discuss and it was going to be something we didn't have time for at that moment. Soooooooooooo......

I have an appointment with her next week to have lunch and discuss her needs, aaaaaannnnddddd.....

Last night, I was contacted by an old friend from CPS who had clients that use to come to my parenting class. I told him what I was doing and considering, and he said he wanted to have lunch as well and help me get back in contact with the CPS administrative team and discuss the options of doing my parenting class again. So, we have a lunch scheduled for next week as well to discuss this option.

I also connected with a counselor friend of mine who hit me up a couple of years ago to do my parenting program for his clients and a few other counselors clients... I have not heard back from him, but it all sounds very promising...

I am going to chat next week with the guy (Kenya) who lit this fire under my butt and work out some details I will need for presenting in schools, to groups, etc... Even though I have lectured and presented, most of the work I did before was for a non-profit, so I was doing the programs for free... I need to learn how I am going to make a living doing it for myself... How VERY exciting!!

Like I said in my previous blog... "A safe square" :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

So many sleepless nights...

On September 29th, 2010, I formally resigned my position with Plaza on the River. Since that time, I have had a very difficult time sleeping through the night. Yesterday was the first day I slept past 8:00am since my resignation.

As you read through my blogs, you will find two experiences I had that were life changing for me and monumental moments of my life. I had an Administrator that had different visions than I did, and enrolled me into a plan where I saw a short term answer to a life long dream. I was looking at a win/win situation.

I was going to be able to "Run The Show," Be able to direct a staff of people that I would be able to chose, and pursue a vision of service to others that would be a new standard for dealing with people in a magical, yet terrifying, inevitable portion of their lives.

Remember folks, LIFE, this is one game that no one gets out of alive, yet we never plan for it, we never want to face our demise, so fear makes us turn from it and just "let it happen."

As a result, when we finally do get to this point, we have not prepared for it, realize its a huge thing, and go into a state of shock because a moment will come when we truly are not in control and the inevitable is upon us. Not having any control is a scaryier thing than one might think.

Now, I don't want to make this a thing that would scare people, but rather make it something to ponder, prepare for, and find Peace with...It can be a magical experience as well. But that is an individual choice... back to my point..

I stepped away from who I "BE", stepped into the DOING so that I could complete the process, and totally lost that portion of the experience.... and here I am now HAVING results that don't serve me, and injured because of lies self serving others who wanted to save their skin. BE, DO, HAVE... Work your life that way, and results are so much more aligned with what you want!

I am no victim, I chose this path and am completely responsible for my results... I hold no one else to blame but myself... It was me that chose to put my "BEING" to the side and got too focused on the DOING.

Proudly, even in that process, I was still BEING many of the things I declare by maintaining my integrity, my trusting nature, being honest and keeping my word. With that, I was able to walk away with those things in tact, but was still sliced open and injured... It was me that let my boundaries be crossed! Like a boxer who drops his "right" too soon...he knows right when he has done it, and knows the pain is coming, he knows it is his fault!

When I resigned, I consciously knew that I would DO what was required of me to live up to the rules of unemployment, Because I BE a man of my word. I made sure I did those things, but I put my life, and my job off to the side.... I took all the DOINGS and left them alone, and KNEW consciously, that I had to re-center with who I BE before I could move forward in a direction that would serve me.

I know that BEING in service to others is the absolute BEST thing I can DO, to HAVE the results to re-connect me with my greatness.... Remember Nelson Mandella speech...

"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing
Enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~Nelson Mandella~

I carry a copy of this in my wallet wherever I go, it is ALWAYS with me!

I poured everthing in my soul and body into serving Kathi and living up to the promise I made her (DOING BY BEING). As a result, I was able to experience the greatness (BY BEING) in this world. It is so easy to see the ugliness here....Newspapers, television, movies, games...All the terror and violence, fear and unrest...

We get so focused on all of that, we miss the great things lurking near our every step. We stop "paying attention" because we are to busy DOING.

Since I resigned, other than a nagging thing of my nerd yelling at me on my shoulder from time to time,(your not worthy, you suck cuz you have no job, yada, yada, yada) I have been so focused on paying attention, while I be in service to Kathi....What a wonderful world we live in, if we just pay attention!! You can read what I was witness to in my blogs.

Always remember that for every one nasty, ugly, bitter, hurtful, person, there are 100 beautiful and magical people all around us. Its just the others are so loud, all we can do is turn our attention to them. Remember, it is the ugly people in the world that make us caring people shine so bright...EMBRACE THEM!!

Remember, Diamonds are not so easy to see or find, but there are billions of them, and when we find one, how brilliant and beautiful they are!?

But when we move through the sludge, get sucked back into "The Drift" It really is like watching a train wreck in slow motion, and you cant look away and you have to get closer for a better view! Strange how we are like that huh?

Tonight, as I am restless and cant sleep at 2:35am, I am awake but not because I am afraid, and I haven't been since left my job.... I have been awake because I am EXCITED again... I am energized and full of life again... I am back to BEING the person I declare to be, I am DOING the things representative of those declarations, and I am HAVING wonderful, magical and exciting days and night, EVEN in what would be usually my (and many's) "darkest hour"... I am truly excited to see what is next for me.

If you have played "The MAZE game" with me then think of it this way...

Two years ago, I was in a safe square, I took a couple of steps, first one was a new step...BUZZZZZZZZ... I stepped again, I tried to move forward. I went to a square I knew I would get buzzed.....BUZZZZZZZZ Man, I have been there before and knew it! GRRRRRRR!!!! I need to get back to where I know the safe square is again, move again, and find that next square that doesn't buzz.

See folks, I actually do believe and work the things I talk about in my life.... I BE, DO, and HAVE those things because I pay attention....these are the things I know that every person in the world can do. Its really just a matter of awareness!

"The Master knows that he is playing a game.
The master knows there are rules to the game.
But the REAL master knows how to play the game, by the rules, and get what he wants"

Life is not a process of discovery, life is a process of creation. We create our reality, no one else does...... If we see it isn't working, go back to a place where it was, and try again, if you cant move through it, go back to where you could move, and try a different direction.

I am interested to see what the next step for me is, I am still working on "me" (which I don't think ever stops) but know and am clear of where I am, I am BEING the person I declare to be and with that, I KNOW I will do the things representative of that, and I will HAVE the results I want!

I was often told that these types of distinctions are like any other life tool or skill... You have to practice them and pay attention to properly achieve your goal. Man, that is a TRUTH!! Trust me!!

If it is to be, it is up to me!! and for my Millennium 3 people.... OWTF-DWIT!!

I am so ready to see whats next and so excited that I have people who were with me when I was in this safe square before that are waiting for me to help guide me to the next square. Kenya, Kim, Donna, and all the others who support me in so many ways, trust me when I say, its gonna be AMAZING!

Peace....and I still probably cant sleep.... GRRRRRR!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is this a turning point??

So as I sit here in this "calm after the storm" of my life now that the benefit for Kathi is over, I find myself contemplating what is next for me. I see myself stepping back into a "square that buzzes" (some of you know what I am talking about) and I am asking myself  "why?"

I moved to the Hill Country to escape the rat race, to avoid the "drift" and to make my life spectacular... and I find I am slipping right back to where I was when I made this move. I am again, "involved in the community" trying to "establish myself" locally and DOING all the things I was DOING when I ran to the Hill Country.

As the fog is lifting, I am seeing that I am stepping away, once again, from who I BE in this world and I am starting to find dis-ease in that place. I WAS involved, I WAS established, I WAS active...and I WAS miserable!! And now, almost ten years later, I am slipping right back into that place again...WTF am I thinking!!??

I have found so much pleasure and energy from speaking to others, helping others find their greatness, serving others in such a way that their life takes on a richer, more vibrant and bright future... I saw two of my old parents from my parenting class tonight, both went at different times and both told me tonight that if I ever have another class, to let them know, because they want to come.

Now remember, these people came to my class the first time because they were forced to go by the system...Now, when they don't have to take it, they want to go again... To me, that is a "safe square" and I am not getting "buzzed" there.

I am working with a guy who I think so very highly of...Someone I was fortunate enough to work with on a couple of occasions with kids groups...A true "light spirit" and an inspiration... He has encouraged me over and over to get out and spread my message tot he public...Get on the speaking circuit and go for it.... And ya know, at this point, its the only thing that remotely sparks my interest.

Funny though, I was standing in a place just a year or two ago where this could have actually launched off in a BIG way, and I turned away from it and found another direction... I even clearly remember when I took the job at Medina Children's Home I was saying to myself "Man, this lecturing thing could really be it. But I am scared" and I took that job...

I actually remember saying "man, this is too scary to take on".... What if I bomb? What if I cant make money? What if I have to travel all the time? What if Donna gets tired of me being away? What if I am not as good as I think I am? WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF, WHAT IF.......

You now, I truly believe that if there is something you don't like about someone else, it is almost ALWAYS because they have a trait that you see in them, that is in you, that you don't like about yourself... Some will argue this, and some will disagree because they refuse to look that closely at themselves, but I hate a hypocrite... Someone who says one thing and does another.... Do you have ANY IDEA how many times I have told people to stop with the "what ifs" and change their thinking to the "WHY NOTS?"  And look at me, not even practicing what I preach...How hypocritical of me!

I spent the evening out there (at Medina Children's Home) tonight and was really happy to be out there, with those folks, seeing the kids, being around some of the people I had worked with, it was a really GREAT time for me to be there...It was crazy, insane, new ideas being tried out, breakdowns, breakthroughs.... But as I sat there, I knew that this job, or this type of job is just a place I am "comfortable" in and when I am comfortable, I get UN-comfortable... Does that make sense?

I was offered a Challenge tonight from my dear friend Kenya and he said he challenged me to have a web site done by January 1st... I accepted his challenge and am going to work and pursue getting back out to the masses.... Bringing my message and my story to others, standing in the front of the room and impacting others in such a way that they CHOOSE to take their life on in a bigger way. I really need to look in this fire, choose to own it, and take it on...

Like parachuting.... No one is really afraid of the free fall...Its really what most people want to experience.... its not even stepping out that door that is the most scary...whats the most scary is the unsured-ness (is that a word?) of where we will land and if the chute will open... Parachuters have faith, confidence, and a bit of insanity in them... That seems to be representative of who I am!!

Its time to JUMP, and TRUST THE PROCESS!!

What do you guys think?

The night for my wonderful and amazing wife...

Below is the documentation of a night I created for my wife (7-8-01 is the date I think) after her standing by me in a Leadership Program that was a very intense process. She supported me, loved me, and always has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wanted to show her in some way the love that I have for her, and this is what I created.... This process I went through was when I made a HUGE shift in my life, left Law Enforcement and started my life anew... I am the man I am now as a result of the program I took part in, in 2001.  

I love you even more now than I did then babe....Hope you read this and it takes you back!!

I went down to Galveston to the bed and breakfast (dolphin and mermaid
inn) and set up the room. I made six envelopes for Donna to open and
scattered four of them around the room. On the bed, I placed a rose and a
blindfold over the 5th envelope. The last envelope was on a tape player and
the player had a message from me to her.

At 6:00pm, I had a limo pick me up in Galveston (courtesy of one of my
enrolees that stated" I would love to provide a limo for you, for what you
did for me by sending me to Dallas, I will be happy to provide this for you"
HOW COOL IS THAT??) and then the limo took me to my house to pick Donna up.
Donna has never been in a limo so this started things off great.

Donna walked out and saw the limo and started to cry. There was a whole
lot of tears from this point on. When we got to Galveston and were about 10
blocks from the place, I gave her the first envelope. In this envelope it
just basically told her how much I appreciate her for standing by me through
LP and that this was a night that I would be in complete service to her.
There were ground rules and the first one was that she could not speak until
instructed different.

we pulled up in front of the mansion (bed and breakfast) and then went inside (of course, the
tears are on). Before we got to the door of our room, I gave her another
envelope, this one stated that she was "in front of the room that we would be
spending our night, the first rule still applies and the second is for her to
close her eyes and walk in the room."

 Donna went to try and grab me to hug me
and I stopped her, not letting her miss the experience. I blindfolded her and
walked her in the room. I kept her blindfolded through a song that I picked
out for her (I made an hour long tape of music to give to her and keep to
always remember this night). The song had significance, and I wanted her
to be completely into the words of the song

while the first song was playing, I went and lit candles throughout the
room. The song ended and I took the blindfold off of her. A second song
started and she went to explore the room to find the other letters that were
in envelopes scattered throughout the room and numbered. She was to
pick them up in sequential order.The bed was covered with rose pedals and at the base of the
bathtub was a towel with bubble bath, candles and an envelope.

The next envelope was outside on a private veranda and on the veranda was a hot tub.
There were candles lit out side with the hot tub. Then the last letter she
read directed her to where she was to sit down to listen to the tape that I made to her, telling her
what I think of her. I stood by the door as a servant and let her enjoy her
experience. when the tape was over, she was allowed to speak and she came to
hug and kiss me. She was crying so hard that she was shaking.

The night went on and we sat in the hot tub, I made a photo album that
was just pictures of her and I, in different places we went together
throughout our time together. I drew her bath for her and while
she was in the tub, I massaged her feet. When she
got out of the tub, I made her lay on the bed, I blindfolded her, played the
music tape for her that I made, and gave her a massage. No, the
blindfold was not for kinky things, but rather for her to be in tune
with the experience, not scattered by other things in the room.
It was truly a great experience.

The night went on and then I blindfolded her again, This time, while she
was blindfolded, I fed her chocolate covered strawberry's and let her sip
champagne. The night was truly incredible and from the way she described her
experience, it was alot like my experience from third weekend. She, as I,
was truly in awe of the experience, She felt so loved, and I felt so IN love!

The night ended and the next day, we went to have breakfast. We went to
leave, and on the drive home, I had one last gift. The gift was a pewter
stature of a dolphin swimming with a mermaid. WHAT AN INCREDIBLE NIGHT!!

I want you all to know how much I appreciate all of you. Through you all,
I found what a great thing it is to be a giver. I found how truly incredible
it is when you open yourself up to people and leave yourself vulnerable.
Through you all, I found what it REALLY means to love someone and never
thought it was possible for me to love Donna as I do. You all were and are
such a great stand for me and have truly been a part of this. Thank you all
for this great gift that you gave me, thank you for opening my eyes to the
possibilities that are available if you just simply trust.

Get out and create things like this for yourself and for the ones
you love. This is an awesome gift that we have "to give" and it is time to
take it out to the world and show them what is available to them if they
simply open up to possibilities.

You all are a PART of me, you are all PART
of my transformation and a PART of what I create in every day life.
I never thought life could be so rich, so fulfilling and so wonderful!
Thank you for the experience!

PEACE and  LOVE.......Brad(4)

From my mentor... 7-2001

The purpose of life is not to be happy, happiness in its most ancient, noble
verson is meant to be productive to use whatever talents that God or fate had
bestowed upon you to have it make a difference that you lived at all!

Thanks Kerry!!

LP115 vision for betterment...(6-12-2001)

Hello Team,

As alot of you know, I had a vision to make the team join together in a
big way. I talked to some people about this vision and enrolled them in
taking it on for themselves and for our team. I have recieved some great
feedback from people about the results that this vision produced. It has
grown much larger than what I ever thought would be possible and has opened
doors for me, my team and everyone around me. Now I have one more request, a
request to see this vision grow to something much bigger.

The vision that I had was to contact people on our team and let them know
what is great about them. I found that this was an opportunity to get REAL
with people and bring our team to its highest level. Bring the givers and
recievers of this feedback to a much higher level. This has grown far out of
the banks of the river I could see flowing. This is so huge and I wanted to
try and find a way to create much larger results.

This weekend, I was thinking about this and decided to call my father and
tell him what was great about him. This was an enourmous step for me and my
"nerd" was bashing me in the head about it. I took this on and the results
that were produced were amazing. I went to a place with my father that I had
never gone before and it created a huge open door for us to really be REAL
with each other. This was extremly hard for me to take on but produced
results that I never thought were possible. I would like to invite the team
to take something else on and see what results can come from it, here it goes
and here is my vision.

What I would like to invite the team to do is contact two people a week
outside of LP, just two people (more if you would like but at least two)
every week before third weekend. I would invite us to tell just two people a
week what it is that is great about them. This does not have to be something
long and drawn out, it can be very simple (ie.. I love working with you, its
a plesure spending the day with you at work, you are a great friend, you are
a great father, you are a great mother, etc..).

How many times in a conversation do we think something great about the
person we are talking with but dont express it to them? Express it to them,
let them know, this could be our last chance to let them know how great we
think they are. If we are comfortable with enrolling them in this vision, to
take this on, then ask them to do the same thing (tell someone how great they
are to them). LIVE IN THE MOMENT!! Its all we have..

Here is my vision... If we tell two people a week how great they are, be
real with them, let them know. If we tell these two people a week and ask
them to do the same, and those two people do the same, and those two people
do it as well. This can go on to an amazing number. Now, look at all the
lives that we have touched, just by telling those two people what it is thats
great about them, look at the difference we have made in peoples lives just
by just taking a few minutes of our time. There will be people walking down
the street somewhere with a smile on their face, whos day is better just
because of us. We wont know them and they wont know us but because of us,
their day is that much better. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!??

I hope that we all can see the HUGE results that this can and will
produce. Its so easy and can really create something huge for us as well as
everyone around us. Will you e-mail me personally to let me know if you
accept this and are enrolled? Also e-mail me and I would love to hear your
results. I know those of you who have called me to tell me your experience
within the LP because of this vision see the importance of it. I would invite
us all to be able to see the importance of this vision in our entire lives.
If LP is life, then lets take this out and work it and reap the rewards. This
is gona be HUGE!!........

peace and love....Brad

Fear Not (Undergraduate Thesis story)

                                                                         Fear Not

            After a long needed visit to my doctor, I was informed that I was going to suffer great problems with my health if I didn't start walking everyday. I had missed my early walk and decided to take it in the evening. The sun was gone, the envelopment of night had overcome the city and I walked. I passed large buildings with flat faces, rails over each floor to catch the rain. The red brick was emanating heat from the days blistering sun pounding on its bright face. The windows tall and narrow, lining each floor, each window the twin of the next. The corners, crown molded in mortar to support the weight of the multi roomed apartments. This was scene right off of Sesame Street or maybe it was more of a look of the neighborhood like the Huckstables lived in, in Bill Cosbys sitcom.

Either way, the area I lived was warm and friendly, old and with lots of history. You had everyone from the business man who pulled a seventy hour work week to scattered homeless who never seemed to bother anyone and just weren't a threat. It is a rare neighborhood for the times we live in now and was probably one of the last. It wasn't 5th Avenue but it wasn't a 5th ward projects either. There is no fear for people walking the streets at night and believe it or not, the people here still look after each other. Everyone knows everyone's kids and everyone knows who is sleeping with whom; there are no secrets in this neighborhood. It isn't perfect, but it is home.

As I walked, I looked into the windows at familiar families having dinner or watching TV and reflected back on my life and the times I had up to this point in this neighborhood. As I passed each building, I would find an alley way, one of the many that separate the red brick monsters, lined with fire escapes and one lane wide blacktops for a car to pass through. Sodium lights at each intersection casting dark shadows down the walls where you can see the bricks very clearly in the immediate light. The light stretches down the maze of brick, reaching into the dark shadows, attempting to grasp the arm of its brother, only to stop at oblivion, before the next stretch of light. I could hear voices echoing off the walls from people shouting and kids playing just a few streets over. The alleys carry the sounds of busy street traffic driving on the overpass 10 blocks away. As I walked past one of these alleys, I heard a whisper
            "Pssssst….Hey, you, come here." Startled I turned and saw a small man, almost a dwarf if I had to compare the size but even a little smaller. He was familiar, but yet unfamiliar. I have met so many people over the years, as a matter of fact; I have even met a few dwarfs. He was thin but still healthy, wrapped in a blanket, sitting against a wall, playing solitaire. A sodium light above him cast an eerie shadow. I hate that feeling when you think you know someone but you don't, I didn't want to be rude and usually when I met someone like this around here that I don't know, they usually were looking for a little handout.

I never pass an open hand of need and leave it empty. If I have something to offer, I do. I always felt that if I had a place to sleep with a roof over my head and food to eat, I can always spare something. I figured he wanted some change and as I approached him, I dug into my pocket, feeling through the lint balls, house keys and pocket knife to get all I had to offer him. Apparently he saw what I was doing and said,
 "I don't want your change old man; I want to talk to you."

            I approached him with a little cautiously; I was not quite sure what it was I was facing. I do watch the news and no matter how much I think my neighborhood is safe, I am no idiot. I wasn't afraid as much as just felt creepy at this small mans presence. I couldn't see his face and he never looked up at me, he just kept flipping his cards over playing his game. It's a feeling I can't explain and until you yourself face it, you just can't understand. We started into a dialog.

"What is it you want from me sir?"
"Just a moment of your time..." A moment of my time I can spare for anyone…
"What is it I can do for you?"
"It's not what you can do for me sir, its what I can do for you."

Intrigued by this interaction, I squatted down to his level to try and see his face but was unable to see any features clearly. The light form the sodium bulb was causing his face to have dark shadows around him which hid his identity and a chill rose on my arm. Even with the chill, I was surprisingly at ease. I heard a child chant something off in the distance, from a street not to far away. A familiar verse but I still couldn't hear the words clearly. It was just an instant and it passed, my attention was back on the little man before me.

"What you can do for me? I don't think I understand...Are you ill sir?
"No, I am not ill, but I take it that you are."
"And what is it that leads you to this belief?"
"Your age, walking dark streets alone. There are no stores or markets near; this surely must be for exercise correct?" I was a little taken back by this statement but realized it was easy to piece that together with his reasoning.

"Well, as a matter of fact, my Doctor has informed me that if I don't get out and walk a bit I could suffer some health problems. I wouldn't want that to happen so I am just following his rules. Just doing what the doctor says so I can hang around a bit longer."

"You are a smart man. Does the idea of death concern you? Is it a fear that drives you? Is it a fear at all?" Odd questions I must admit but I have always been one for a good conversation no matter who it was and for some reason, this was a conversation that pulled at me. I heard that familiar chant again, again not hearing the words and again, only for an instant…

"Well sir...Do you have a name so that we can become a little more personal?"
"No, you do not need my name right now. Sir will do old man, you don't want to know me personally yet."

This was odd, but he's apparently homeless and usually my encounters with the homeless are encounters where one gets to experience different forms of mild to pretty severe psychosis. This guy wasn't dancing around yelling the aliens were coming or that he was the Messiah bringing the world to an end so I felt pretty safe. I continued our conversation…

"Very well….. No, I don't think I am afraid of death and why is it I should be concerned with the inevitable? I believe in the way Socrates stated it. If death is as they all say then I will be in the presence of greatness, if it is as others say and is simply the end, why would I care?? Or something like that anyway. Very strange question sir, are you OK?"
"Oh be assured, I am content, I died long ago old man, long ago. There are no ailments that can hurt me, I have experienced them all. Once you have done that, ailments are no longer an issue. I am here for other things."
"Very well, I think I understand. I am curious though as to why you would ask me such questions. What is it you are searching for from me?"
"I search for nothing, what I desire comes to me willingly. I do stop for people from time to time. It is part of the duties of my job. I don't mean to pry old man, I am simply curious, for my own needs I suppose; can I ask you a few questions? Again, just to feed my curiosity."
"Of course, I am in no rush."

            The little man stopped his card game and looked up at me. His features were still not clear, I could not make out details of his face but I could tell he was looking at me. Just as he started to speak…that chant…I heard that chant again from those kids. He slowly went on…
"Are you happy with your life, do you have any regrets, can you think of anything in your life that you would change to this point? What mistakes have you made that you would take back if you could? Where in life did you stumble that you wish you hadn't? Where in life did you drop the ball that you would go back and catch it differently?" Odd questions but very good ones I must admit. I thought for a moment in silence, almost to the point of an uncomfortable silence and the man never interrupted. Then I answered….

"Those are very good questions and require a little thought. I will tell you though; in this stage of my life, I would change nothing. It is all of those stumbles and mistakes and errors that I made that created who I am today. Although I am not proud of some of the things I have done, if I would not have done those things then I would have never experienced the desire to not do those things. Throughout life, every obstacle and every single thing you do defines who you are when you I look in the mirror. I have to honestly say, I am happy with what I see. If life were to end for me today, I would be happy knowing that I lived it to the fullest and did the very best I could have and I did it with integrity. I think I can look at myself and be happy with what I have accomplished. I have hurt people throughout my life, sure. Be assured, I have answered to every one of those times. I have done my best to do my part and although I have experienced times of being selfish and hurtful, I have also done good things. I see the world as a whole and realize that my life really isn't that bad. I have been blessed time and time again and at every blessing, I passed something on that was great to someone else. I truly feel I have lived a pretty balanced life and I wouldn't change one thing."
"Old man, you are blessed and the details of your life seem to be categorized very well. If what you say is true then your time here has been one of creation rather than those who wait for life to bring them greatness. That is a very rare trait indeed. I have met many people in my life and asked these same questions. Rarely do I hear responses such as yours. Thank you for feeding my curiosity.  I appreciate the time you have spent with me and I will take all you have said into consideration. I am sorry to have stopped your walk and interrupted your leisurely evening. Thank you for taking a moment of your time to spend with me answering questions which you didn't have to answer. Have a good night. I am sure we will meet again someday."
He looked back down at the stacks of cards and started again with his solitary game. I knew the conversation was over. I asked him once again if he needed anything. He slowly raised his hand and shook his head. I nodded my head respectfully at him and turned to continue my walk. As I walked away I said,
"Keep warm and be safe."

With the conversation still in my head, I took three steps or so, maybe five, I turned to look again and he was gone. I did not hear him run off and I did not see him anywhere. He was simply gone. As odd as it was, I felt nothing strange about it. I continued my walk and returned home. As I made my way down the street, I heard that faint, familiar chant again… I caught a piece of it this time, just a piece…
"Because I could………stop………kindly…………for………" And I could make out no more.

Odd, don't you hate it when something is right on the tip of your tongue, and you just can't grasp it? When something is just right there in front of you and you can't see it? That's how that chant was; it was familiar but I just couldn't place it.

            The days passed on the year was coming to a close. It had been almost six months now that I was walking my walks but they seemed to be getting harder for me to do and not easier as my doctor had told me they would. It was apparent that either my age was catching up to me or my exercise had come too little too late. Either way my health was diminishing.

It was winter now and the days were getting to cold for my old bones to walk. I was fortunate enough to live in one of those old houses that had a small fireplace in every room. I made a small cozy fire in my bedroom and settled into my bed to read. The room was warm and as always, I was comfortable nestled into my bed. As I started to read I experienced a very odd feeling. I cannot explain exactly what it was that I was experiencing but it was calm, rested, and peaceful. I read for a short time and started to get tired, very tired. I closed the book, set it on my nightstand and I dozed off.

I was in that place between deep sleep and waking. It's the place where images flash before you and just before you just settle into a dream. It was odd; I heard a faint, familiar chant in my ear.

 As I started to dream, I saw in my minds eye that little dwarf of a man, huddled in that alley and startled into what I thought was waking. It was like those times in your dreams where you fall from a tall place and wake just before impact.

When I opened my eyes I found I was in my bedroom but there was something different. Something different about how my room looked, about how it felt; not cold, not hot; those words wouldn't describe what I was feeling. This was a sensation I had never experienced and I haven't ever heard a word that would define this. As I looked around my room, I rose up on one arm on my bed and noticed a small, beautiful, angelic man who looked oddly familiar standing next to my bed. With a warming smile on his face, he said…
"Hello old man, do you remember me?" The voice was familiar and I immediately knew who this was.
"Yes, of course, you are the dwarf that I spoke to in the alley way not too long back. What are you doing here?"

Strangely, I asked this with no fear of this man being here in my room. He was not the huddled up little man in the alley now but even in the smallness of what he was, I saw such beauty...Beauty that was masked to me in shadows that night, hidden. "Beauty" which I could not see before, now revealed. Beauty was not the word to define it though. I can not think of a word to describe what I was seeing.
"Old man, you asked my name once and I refused. I had told you that you did not want to know me personally at that time. I am now here to get personal with you. I am death, I am here for you and as I said before, people come to me and here you are." Its funny, I wasn't afraid and I wasn't concerned. I was at peace with all of this. I looked to him and asked…
"So this is my time, I am done?"
He warmly smiled at me and said,
"Old man, you are never done, it is never over, it is eternal, I am only a very small part of what signifies eternity but I am here to guide you into what's next."

My room slowly turned into a very bright place. All of the material things were gone. I was still lying in my bed but it seemed to almost "float." Float wouldn't be the right word, I have no words to explain this experience. It seemed just for an instant but I suddenly became "aware." 

Aware wouldn't be the right word, another experience that no words can explain. I became "aware" that my conversation with death in that alley that night was nothing more than the "Devine" making me aware of the great life I had lead and experienced. It was a message to me so that I would know that everything was OK with me.

That night was an opportunity for me to reflect back on my life. Death showed me what life was and left me with just a bit more time to enjoy that experience.  I had no fear and I had no pain and I was excited to see what was next for me. I was calm and at ease and could not imagine why it was that I ever thought this experience would be one of fear. Why would something natural, such an essential part of life be something to fear?

            I got out of my bed and the small dwarf of death, the beautiful small dwarf walked up to me and extended his hand. As I took his hand, I heard that chant again and this time it was clear as the "brightness" I was experiencing, but brightness was not the word to describe it... The familiar chant went on...
"Because I could not stop for death,
He kindly stopped for me,
The carriage held but just ourselves,
And Immortality……….."

I remembered…I remembered where I had heard this chant. It is Emily Dickinson…She was right; she saw something and wrote it as best she could because there really is no word to describe this. As the verse rang on, hand in hand, this beautiful small, little dwarf of death walked me into what's next.

"No Right" poem (posted 9-9-10)

No "Right"

In judgement pass
Your inside crass
For who are you to say
That life can only be lived true
In one particular way
Its all about each one of us
To express a different way
To come back to the all of it
And share you space one day
Space is a time you occupy
Live it from your heart
And leave those that will follow you
A safer place to start

A PLAN poem (posted 9-9-06)

A Plan

Passion is a simple feel
But tough to just embrace

To show this side to everyone
Steps outside the human race

In passion it is love that's found
Through love we can create

A world that embraces everyone as part of the human race

Shadow Voice poem (posted 9-9-06)

Shadow Voice

A shadow cast a voice I knew
I turned to my surprise.

I saw the greatness you possess
in your smile and in your eyes.

A bump is raised upon my skin
A chill all down my back

It is your face that I have missed
Your shadow brought that back

INDIVIDUALITY...My favorite!! (9-6-06)


Walking to a different drum
Creates a different flow

There is no place in this whole world
That beat will be alone

Step to what's real
Its how you feel
Its all going to be okay

Because to that drum others will come
To help you through your day.

BREATHE poem (9-9-06)

Breath in life
Exhale experience

Reflect from a vision
Remember with love

Feel perfect love
In a thought

Live in the moment
A moment is all there is

Leave a thought behind
Something for those to follow

Never leave with the question.
What if??


NOW poem (posted 9-9-06)

The eternal moment…

The only instant…

The only adversity…

A decision…

A consequence…

True love…


It's over…

Read more:

REPRESENT poem (posted 12-9-06)

Represent life by experience

Represent caring by compassion

Represent love by showing

Represent trust by surrender

Represent unity by understanding

Represent thought by listening

Represent peace by being

Represent reality….Leave something to be remembered!!

Struggle poem (posted 9-9-06)

Where did we decide that struggle
Was the place to strive

Never seeing anything
But a glimpse of distant prize

We battle through the drudgery
This thing that we call life

Working hard all through the day
Looking forward to the night

We fight with such passion
To get the things we want

The ring is at the end they say
Its circular of gold

I hope to find that ring someday
Long before I get too old

Struggle builds us stronger
Lessons will be learned

Life's a constant process
One that should be adorned

That ring one day i'll capture
And wear it on my hand

So all that are to see it
Will work to solve their plan

Conformity (written 12-6-10)

You know, lately I have been in a bit of a funk so to speak. I am finding that the "real" world is all about conformity. I state this as now I am back in the professional world, there seems to be a need to "act" in a certain way to be accepted as a professional.

Now, for me, I think that the best way to be professional is to be good at what you do, passionate about what you do and then BEING yourself in relationship to all of that. I dont think it should matter that a person does "this" or "that" in their life outside of what they do "professionally." I really feel this should be no reflection on how the person is in relationship to what they do in their professional life as long as this is kept seperated.

For instance, I am in a place now professionally where I am looked at with many eyes. I have made my page here only accessible to people on my friends list as I have been confronted on various things you will see on our page (events we go to, tattoos, costumes, etc..). I think it is shameful that someone would relate what they "see" to what is reality and make that assumption with no evidence to support it other than interpretation.
I have found that "being myself" (truly) offers me the best results for my personal life but that "being myself" professionally is seen as radical or too carefree. Why is it when one chooses to live outside of the lines of "normalcy" (whatever that looks like individually) that a judgment has to be placed on that person? Why dont people get attached to who the person IS and not what a person DOES? I mean if a person "does" something in their personal life but is nothing but professional in their "work" life, why should anyone give a shit?

Conformity man, people expect for people to conform to the norm and I am still at a loss as to why people feel that way. I mean lets consider this OK...???

Think of where the MAJOR amount of people live (large cities, major metropolitan areas, etc...) When you go to (or if you live in) these places, pay attention to some things. People in traffic (pay attention to them and how they respond) people on phones all the time (disconnected to their surroundings and people they are with), the statistics on violence in these areas. Man, pay attention to how the clerks treat you in stores or how people in passing never make eye contact or take even a minute to slow down and just take in the beauty of the day.

Now go to a small town and see whats different. People say hi, look you in the eye and make time to even chat with you, hell, you might not even know their name. Traffic isnt so bad, people seem to be more connected, etc...Life just seems easier.

Now, since the MAJORITY of our populations live in these big cities and it is the MAJORITY that decides what is the "norm" for society, how twisted is what we have made up as the "norm" and why to we choose to conform to these "norms?" In reality, people address life in relationship to how they experience it. If this is how "norms" are set in our society and the people who are setting the rules are doing so in relationship to their "experience" what does that say about these "norms"?

I would love to see society where you are allowed your individual freedoms to live life the way you want to as long as it doesnt impact what you do professionally. It is a dycotomy that stumps me sometimes. People put on their "game face" when they go to work and dont really get to BE who they truly are and have to live a life at work as a facade. Why cant people see the difference between professional and personal life? Why do people have to pass judgment on the things you "DO" rather than be accepting of who you are?

Oh well, a rant to rant I guess. Maybe its just me, maybe I am too radical in my personal life to really be that professional person. Maybe I choose the life of who I be rather than what I do. Anyway, I would love to hear thoughts on this.

Peace... Brad

Try this (written 12-7-06)

I want to share something I started to do yesterday as a result of something that recently came into my life. I would encourage all of you to try this. This is a VERY easy task and whether it works or not, it takes very little effort to do and could create huge results if only given a chance.

Go walk down your street or notice the ground when you walk into a store somewhere. Look for a rock or pebble...One that stands out to you or simply catches your eye. Pick it up and stick it in your pocket and make this your "grattitude stone"

Heres the task...

Put the stone with your stuff you place in your pocket and everyday, pick up the stone and REALLY focus on something you are grateful for. It can be as simple as being grateful you woke up or that you heard a bird sing or that you have a great dog...Whatever, as long as you really make the acknoledgement that you are grateful for something. Now, throughout the day, really work on making sure that each time you touch this stone in your pocket that you think and really embrace in a moment something you are grateful for. At the end of the day, when you empty your pockets and take the stone out, think of something you are grateful for. You will be assured that you will bring into your thoughts at least twice a day things you are grateful for.
The universe has a "Law of Attraction" and in that law it states that "Like attracts like" so when thinking about grateful things conciously everytime you touch that stone you are bringing grateful things to your life. This is a really simple litte tool to use and employ into your life and you know what, you might not truly believe in stuff like this but really think about it...What the hell can it hurt huh?

Now another key to this (in my opinion) is that once you begin this, PAY ATTENTION, really PAY ATTENTION and see what good things start to come into your attention to your days once you employ this and see how you feel at the end of a wek of doing this. Again, this is simple and really could bring a little more great things to you. One thing is for sure, if you dont try it, you will NEVER know for sure.
Well, theres my idea. I have bene doing it for 2 days now and can say that so far, things have been pretty cool and just by being constantly reminded of the things in my life I have to be grateful for, I FEEL better. It is affirmation I guess...Affirming that my life really is ok, even in the rough spots. Good luck and let me know your results. Hope to hear from you all soon!


Holidays (written 12-7-06)

So, let me hear your thoughts on "Holidays." It seems that we are starting to look at Holidays a bit differently. People are up in arms over "Christmas" and what it stands for or for what it represents. The "sides" of the issue battle for the reasons for having this holiday. Thanksgiving seems to have become more of a "chore" than really a time to get together with family and friends and I am curious as to what people feel about this issue as it seems to be something that is in the news alot in the last couple of years.

My take is that Christmas is a time of giving and honoring family and our fellow man. Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and thanks for what it is we have and cherish in our life. Religion seems to have stepped into these time honored holidays (or stepped out) and it seems people are in an uproar over it.

Its funny how we CHOOSE to find things to get angry or upset about and then try to re-direct the "good" things we have in the world into a conformity of how it "should" or "shouldn't" be. Why cant we seem to get angry at issues we already face?? Issues that have to deal with the betterment of humanity or of our world? Why do we have to pick things that generally bring us together or bring us happiness to get on our "high horse" about.

We have people starving in the world, we have people who cannot get proper medical treatment right here in the USA, we have children who are abused and battered; women issues on the same thing. We have single mothers struggling to just get by and violence on the up rise and yet we still decide to turn our attention to things that really can allow us to have a solid foundation for being "human."

Maybe we find things to attack so that we can cover up or avoid the "real" issues (whatever those might be). Maybe we find peace in redirecting our energy to things we actually think we can do something about, hence avoiding issues that really do impact us as human beings. Maybe we as humans just aren't happy unless we can find someone to piss off or to offend.

Whatever the case, its sad that we leave issues that really impact us and our way of life unfold as they will. We then take things that really bring us together and unify us and make a mockery of it, belittle the "significance" of such events and create them to be "less than" what they really are. Who cares if its called "Christ" mas...The meaning behind it is the important thing. Who cares what really happened on "Thanksgiving" when we created it...Why not focus on the SIGNIFICANCE of that particular holiday and the results it brings us?

Now, so you know, I am not a real "religious" person(but am VERY spiritual) and don't get alot of excitement from "holidays" anymore. I personally don't find value in "organized" religion but I do see value in unity, in togetherness, in working together as one unit to bring optimum results and I believe in individuality as well. I don't think a persons "individuality" should be the cause to create conformity, that's for sure. Anyway, just another thought to blog. I am interested in your responses!


people never change (written 7-12-07)

You know, I have felt for most of my life that I am here to create change and to be in service to others. In all I have done in my life, I have found the greatest personal value in this quest. I have lived hard and rough for most of my life and have walked the "edge" so to speak, as I find that it offers the greatest and most exciting view.

I am often baffled at people and their sense to be "right" in this life and in how they view the world. In the research I have done through reading, listening to lectures, CD's and movies, this is something that doesn't change. We truly are creatures of habit!

I have been in a few message boards here lately and have even tippy-toed into a few religious based ones. In this step, and in every venture towards this issue, I am slammed with righteous people who tell me that if I don't live my life this way or that way that I will be going to Hell or have to stand in judgment before God.
Its funny because these people seem to want the world to look one way for people to live and be one way and if its not that way then it is "Wrong" and you will eternally burn or stand in judgment someday as a result of your choices.

I guess my point here is this...

Why don't people simply allow other people to live a life that works for them if it works for them?

Why do people want so badly to all be the same?

Why don't people realize that our differences are what makes the place we live interesting?

Why do I have to believe like you, look like you, act like you and live like you for my life to be "right?"

I see this world and EVERY SINGLE THING in it as created for us to experience. we can choose to not experience the things we don't want to and we can choose to experience the things we do want to experience but I truly believe that it is all placed here for that and there really is no "wrong" way to live this life. I see there are ways people live that don't serve themselves or others, I see that people get attached to things and cant see how to break free sometimes but does that make a person "wrong?"

We have, in the grand scheme of things, a very short time to experience this life we are living right now. If people could really live the line of "live and let live" man, would this place be different. The more time and energy we spend on trying to make other be like us or in making others wrong for their personal life journey, the more it takes away from our ability to experience every moment we have here.
I will end this with this....

Quit passing judgment on others for how they live their life.

Encourage diversity and embrace change.

 Live every day as if there is a reason for it.

Attach yourself to the things that provide you growth and the things that don't offer that for you, step away from it (them) without judgment.

The world truly is in need of more models and not more critics. No great leader in this world ever led anyone with simple words. It was in the actions they took in their lives that led the way for others.


Written 10-8-07

WOW!! What a month or two it has been! I have had so many personal trials here in this last month or so and have really found myself and my family to be in crisis. I also found that I was not alone...I have so very many people around me who seem to be in the same situation. Different circumstances mind you but the stress and fear are so very similar. I want all of you who have expressed these problems with me to first of all know that I appreciate the trust you have in me to talk to me about this. I also want you all to know that no matter what.... CHANGE is A rule but never let change be your RULER!

Dont ever forget (and I have to remind myself as well) that you are so much bigger than your circumstances. You have power within you that is imeasurable and you can overcome any trials in your life by simply moving forward in those trials, taking them on head-on and never letting yourself be beat down by what goes on in the world around you. Pay attention to EVERY experience you have as every experience offers you a lesson..EVERY single one!

I hope that for those of you who have spoken to me about the hardships you have experienced of late are soon to be over...For those of you who havent expressed to me your trilas but still have them, I hope for you the same thing...And for those of you who have your lives in perfect order and the world is all dandylions and puppy dogs...Well, GOOD FOR YOU (yes, that is sarcism!! LOL!!).

ALWAYS remember that no matter what, through every "breakdown" in your life, a "breakthrough" is on the way. Hold tight, love yourself and know that your happiness and quality of your life is up to you...And know that I see that in every one of you! Dont let the hard times get you down too much...Find the lesson and become bigger and better... MAGNIFICENT...Play hard, show up HUGE and walk with your head up....If you always look down, you can miss so much available to you. Most of all...HAVE FUN!! Why play the game if you dont have fun huh?



There is brutality and there is honesty. There is no such thing as brutal honesty.

Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.

Man is an ape, that doesn't understand anything unless it hurts.

Removing the straw that broke the camel's back does not necessarily
allow the camel to walk again.

Many people feel that they deserve some kind of recognition for all the bad things they haven't done.

The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

Most people prefer certainty to truth.

A man's best friend is his dogma.

If he learns from his mistakes, pretty soon he'll know everything.

It would be nice to be sure of anything the way some people are of everything.

The only certainty is that nothing is certain.

There are few people more often in the wrong than those who cannot endure to be thought so.

Often things ARE as bad as they seem!

Ain't no right way to do a wrong thing.

The lesser of two evils -- is evil.

The best prophet of the future is the past.

If we don't alter our course, we're going to end up where we're headed.

People often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause of the future.

If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

The superior man thinks of what is right. The small man thinks of what is profitable.

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

You can move the world with an idea, but you have to think of it first.

Wisdom is rarely found on the best-seller list.

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.

Great acts are made up of small deeds.