Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Try this (written 12-7-06)

I want to share something I started to do yesterday as a result of something that recently came into my life. I would encourage all of you to try this. This is a VERY easy task and whether it works or not, it takes very little effort to do and could create huge results if only given a chance.

Go walk down your street or notice the ground when you walk into a store somewhere. Look for a rock or pebble...One that stands out to you or simply catches your eye. Pick it up and stick it in your pocket and make this your "grattitude stone"

Heres the task...

Put the stone with your stuff you place in your pocket and everyday, pick up the stone and REALLY focus on something you are grateful for. It can be as simple as being grateful you woke up or that you heard a bird sing or that you have a great dog...Whatever, as long as you really make the acknoledgement that you are grateful for something. Now, throughout the day, really work on making sure that each time you touch this stone in your pocket that you think and really embrace in a moment something you are grateful for. At the end of the day, when you empty your pockets and take the stone out, think of something you are grateful for. You will be assured that you will bring into your thoughts at least twice a day things you are grateful for.
The universe has a "Law of Attraction" and in that law it states that "Like attracts like" so when thinking about grateful things conciously everytime you touch that stone you are bringing grateful things to your life. This is a really simple litte tool to use and employ into your life and you know what, you might not truly believe in stuff like this but really think about it...What the hell can it hurt huh?

Now another key to this (in my opinion) is that once you begin this, PAY ATTENTION, really PAY ATTENTION and see what good things start to come into your attention to your days once you employ this and see how you feel at the end of a wek of doing this. Again, this is simple and really could bring a little more great things to you. One thing is for sure, if you dont try it, you will NEVER know for sure.
Well, theres my idea. I have bene doing it for 2 days now and can say that so far, things have been pretty cool and just by being constantly reminded of the things in my life I have to be grateful for, I FEEL better. It is affirmation I guess...Affirming that my life really is ok, even in the rough spots. Good luck and let me know your results. Hope to hear from you all soon!


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