Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Chickens

I remember years ago, when moving to Kerrville, I said I wanted chickens someday. I lived in a small neighborhood then and none of the neighbors had them. I remember telling my wife

"I refuse to be the first to have chickens on my block, but I sure as heck will be the SECOND!"

A neighbor ended up getting a couple of chickens and then, as a joke, when I graduated from College, my buddy brought me two baby chicks as a "graduation gift". He knew I wouldnt be able to get rid of them or let them die and I kept them in my backyard for some time.

Well, after they got fully grown, they ate EVERYTHING in my yard....Grass, weeds and thankfully scorpions and other bugs. However, the section of my yard I kept them in turned into a wasteland! I was not prepared to have them...I didnt have a coop for them and I wasnt educated enough about raising them properly so I gave them to a lady who had chickens.

When we moved to Colorado and found this place on these ten acres with a barn, I told my wife...

"Come Spring, I am getting chickens again!"

And today was the day!!

So I got three babies today and a pre made coop for them. They were asking 199.99 for the coop with a 10.00 fee for putting it together. I found a floor model and haggled them down to 179.99.

I had to by a heat lamp, bulb, feeders, water dispenser, feed and some addatives for their water to help them grow strong. The whole deal cost me about 260.00 with takes and everything....Thats a hell of a LOT of eggs!!

The chicks are pretty cool littel guys. Its amazing how entertaining chickens are to watch...They are oddly mesmerizing to watch them walk around and scratch the ground. Its strange how I can watch them for quite some time and be entertained!

One is a Brahma and has furry feet
 one is an Andulusion and is kinda gray and bluish...I think she lays colored eggs.
and one is a Araucana and will lay green or blue eggs and she has a furry face.
 Apparently they are all good egg layers... Kinda excited to watch them grow up and scratch around the place...

Just call me Chicken Brad!! LOL!!  I will keep the blog updated as they grow.

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