Wednesday, June 15, 2011


So, after growing tired of job hunting and knowing i needed to get out of the house, I decided to pull Lucy out and go do my best imitation of riding in a blow drier....GOOD GOD ITS HOT!! I think it was 102 degrees today and no rain or clouds in the future...Its gunna be a rough summer here man!

Anyway, I decided to run down to Hastings and rent a movie. I go in and walk the racks to search for my nightly entertainment and run into a girl I went to college with. Its been about 8-9 months since I saw her last and when I did see her last, she was struggling, trying to find a job. Now granted, this friend is one that, well lets say, "lives on the fringes of society" (and embraces it!)she has a sort of Goth style look to her, she likes black and she is a big (and very proud of it) girl. She also is an extremely talented writer and a VERY smart and bright girl that truly know her shit whnen it comes to writing, authors, poetry, etc.... She is, in my opinion, the epitome of an "English Teacher" just a different style of one.

So we chatted and gave each other general "hellos" and "how ya doin's" and I asked her....

"So, did ya get a job?"

And she replied, rolling her eyes, with a sigh...

"Finally!!!! Yeah...I have two"

I congratulated her and she asked how things were going with me....

"Well, all is well, but I haven't had a job now for about 8 months so really, CONGRATS on getting back to work."

She quickly said...

"Well, they are hiring at the State for laundry workers."

And I laughed, thinking she was giving me a hard time and joking with me...

"Uh, yeah, I don't think so."
And she responded.....

"Hey, its where I am working...."

And I was stunned speechless....This was not just a job she has but one of two that she has....I really didn't know what to say....

"Well, I have my feelers out and am looking in a few States so I am not there yet, but I might look ya up in a month if something doesn't change."

We laughed, hugged, wished each other well and I got back on Lucy and came home, thinking about this the whole way....

Man, how can it be that a person in today's society, works hard and does all the "right things" and still has to struggle to get through it... Hell, if I was on the system, I would stay on the system....Whats the encouragement to get off of it? I mean hell, go to school, get done, be at the same place you were before you went to school, but now with an astronomical debt that the Govt has over you (ain't no walking away from those loans, and no bankruptcy gonna make that go away)

This girl came from a rough background, put herself through school, did all she could to break away from "THAT" and it seems "THAT" always sucks you back in.... I just don't get it!

It also is a bit scary as I sit in these last few days searching jobs... Is that my future? Is that what lies ahead for me? Not that I am above any work or any job, but goddamn it, you do what society says to do so you don't have to do the things you don't like and still, you have to do the things ya don't like....

Chase your dreams, carry a big net and take every swing you can at them because them bastards can be hard to catch sometimes!

Oh, by the way, I got Jackass 3.5 to watch for the night so even this story can end on a laugh!!

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