Saturday, June 4, 2011


As many of you know, (and have been a victim to), I am quite the prankster; if I do say so myself, so I am here to add one in progress… prank that is….Let me explain….

So about a year or two ago, I started to plant the seed in the boys (grandkids) heads about Bigfoot/Sasquatch. They were going to stay in a tent in our yard for the first time by themselves (yeah, I know….EVIL), Brandi was out of town and we had the boys for the weekend and in all reality, the more boys get to play outside, the less mess in the house right??? Great time to try out “camping.”

Well the day started off with me telling the boys about the legend of Bigfoot and them responding…

“Oh pappy, there is no such thing as Bigfoot.”

And just trying to put it off.....


That evening, there was a show on one of the cable channels about Bigfoot, you know, one of those documentary types where people go out into the woods and hunt for Bigfoot?

Well, the boys were GLUED to the TV and when it came time for them to go out to the tent, they were, well, lets say…..resistant.

So now I had to make up a story….

“Look boys, the reason Bigfoot only comes out at night is because they don’t like the light, so if you have your flashlights, you can scare them off.  They really are very shy, that’s why the video people never see them.”

They started to buy it!

I went with them to the tent and I went on…

“OK, another thing to remember is that Bigfoot’s cant talk, so if you hear something outside just yell out “WHATS THE PASSWORD” and if nothing answers, then just turn you lights on….Lights come on, Bigfoot runs away….Get it??  Now, I will come out and check on you so we need a password so you know it’s me OK??”

They were excited and shaking their heads…

“OK, what’s the password Pappy?”

I rubbed my head…

“MMMMMM how about…..HAMMMMMBUUUGA…. No Bigfoot could guess that anyway right?”

And the boys giggled, tossing their heads back and yelling….


and then I would chime in with them….It was a fun experience.

Then I went inside and left the boys alone….They did really good! I went out to check on them and they would do it perfect everytime….



“We are ok pappy!”

Now, you know I couldn’t just let that go, so I did go out one time and not give the password and stomped around the yard….The boys got frantic….


And then turn their lights on shining them everywhere….It was funny and Donna and I got a kick out of it. But it didn’t take long before they were socked out on their sleeping bags….Man, I remember how cool that was when I was a kid….I use to sleep in my yard in a tent all the time when I was young…I LOVED IT!

Well, about three months later, Donna Brandi and the boys went to Tenn. To see Donnas family. Her dad lives out in the country and one night they were leaving the house and the boys saw a red glowing eye in the woods one night and were convinced it was a Bigfoot.

Donna explained to me later that it was just a cow, but it was a black cow and she didn’t tell them it was, so the boys have now had ANOTHER Bigfoot experience and are quite convinced that he is real and he is out there!

So, the boys are coming over this weekend and I had a great idea last night….I took a hoodie and went out into my trees and had Donna take some pictures…I had a small LED light that looked like and eye and we took a few pictures….

I know, I know…..EVIL!!!!

Tonight we have decided to take an old rams head I had mounted years ago, put it in the trees with the hoodie and take some more pictures.

The goat is nasty, white, dirty and HAIRY so its gunna make for some good pictures….And yes, tell the boys when they come over we saw one and show them the pictures of the BIGFOOT!

The story is going to go....

"We went out in the yard the other night and put a trough of water out in the yard for the deer (which we did) and we knew that it would draw all kinds of animals. Last night we heard some weird noise out in the yard and went out to see what it was and we saw THIS thing in the yard"

Doesn't hurt that there is some reflectors from the neighbors cars to add to it as "eyeballs" and how "there must have been more than one"

We had to keep the pics fuzzy and blurry to "add to the suspense" but I am sure its going to come off GREAT!! ;)

Going to be a great long term prank...Guess we will break the truth in their 20's!! LOL!!

I remember SNIPE hunting and stories my grandfather use to tell me about catfish as big as trucks that swallowed a man on the Mississippi….The ghost stories at camps, the scary movies that made things go bum in the night….This is one of those!!

I know the boys will read this someday and when they do, I hope they know how much fun we do have with them, and yes, we know, we will get old someday and need someone to change our diapers so please, know its all out of love!! We can work it out in therapy later!! LOL!!

(**UPDATE**) Here are some pictures of the boys as I show them the pics of Bigfoot that I got.... The nights will never be the same!! LOL!!

So tonight we just happened to catch the show "The Search for Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. After the show, the boys had to go home to get ready fro camp tomorrow. I have a dark walkwway from my front porch to the driveway qith motion lights, but it takes a minute for them to pop on sometimes.
It was an interetsting trip front my front door to the car! LOL!!

Their lives are forever changed!! LOL!!

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