Friday, November 11, 2011


I blogged not too long ago about the press coming to visit YouthBuild and interviewing our students. Attached is the article in pieces.... I would have scanned it all in one page but it was too big so here it is in sections....Sorry about the scanned quality, my editing software decided to give me fits today and rather than throwing my laptop across the room, I decided to just accept what I got!!

This has been another BIG week for YouthBuild AND for me!

This was our first week actually out on the job site, working directly on the Habitat for Humanity homes and I am happy top report that the kids are REALLY engaged in the process. I spent two days out there with them and was able to work along side of them at the home we are refurbishing.... It has been one of those weeks where I say to myself...

"Oh my God, I get PAID TO DO THIS!!??"

We have our struggles and we have our hard spots, but overall, this is not a task of a job, this is a GIFT of a job!! Actually seeing these young people take to heart what they are here to do lifts my soul and reminds me why I do this work!! WHICH by the way, we need sometimes!! As hard as our days may be sometimes, its days like these that keep me coming back!

On top of the job site duties and the newspaper article, one of our young people was able to make it to the Rotary Club here in Kerrville and give a lecture to the crowd. although I was not present at the luncheon, I was told by my boss and other people in the community that Andrew did an INCREDIBLE job.

As I hear it, he had the whole room emotional and totally tuned in to his message....So much that at the end, the President himself told Andrew he was so impressed that when Andrew was done with YouthBuild, he would have a job!

When I spoke to Andrew about the event I said....

"Dude, when you can have tears flowing just from your words, THAT'S GOOD!!"

He said....

"I am THAT good!"

and we both laughed.... Man, I am so proud of these young people and this program... I couldn't ask for a better J-O-B............................................................. And then, I got one!

I was informed last night that I have been given the position of Program Director with BCFS.... I will now manage the YouthBuild case manager, the PAL case manager (a service to assist fostered youth from 16-25 with needs from basic services to college tuition), 2 case managers over the YAD program (a program that targets troubled youth in the school system and their families) and a new Texas Workforce program that assists fostered youth in attaining employment.

I also blogged about this not too long ago in regards to a position that I turned down....

I initially turned this position down when it was offered and then it came back to me again....I turned it down again on the second go around, and then my boss took me to lunch one day and offered it to me AGAIN!!

Although I considered turning it down AGAIN, I paid attention to the Universe and realized that this has come to me THREE times now, there HAS to be a reason, so after some discussion with my boss and some reflection on the process, I chose to move forward with the interview process and see how it worked out....If I was going to get it, it would be meant to be...If I didn't, then THAT was meant to be.

I interviewed last week and after the interview, I was told there was one other person that the "higher ups" were interested in. My comment to those powers that be, and those in my interview was...

"I have faith in this program, this organization and this leadership....I KNOW that whoever you choose, me or someone else, will be the BEST person for the job."

And I walked out confident that if I didn't get hired, it was because I was not THE ONE.... If I did get the job, I would take it on with INTENTION, PURPOSE, PASSION and DRIVE to pursue EXCELLENCE!!

They interviewed the person I was competing with again last night and came back to me and said that I WAS THE ONE.....

OH......MY....GOD!!!! Here...we... go!!

I still don't have particulars in regards to the job....Start date, salary, etc....I just know its mine!

Now I am processing how to break this to the youth I work with and thinking about what we need to fill my position.... I can say with all honesty, I am excited and scared right now!

Mostly I am scared about how my young people are going to deal with this transition....People have been walking out of their lives their WHOLE lives and now I have to MAKE SURE this ISN'T how I SHOW UP by taking this position.... I have to create this in a way that they understand I am moving up to serve them BETTER!! Like I said, I am scared!!

Anyway, on to bigger and better things....Here is the article in pieces.... I am soooooooo proud of these young, brilliant, talented and FABULOUS youth.... I know GREAT things are ahead for them...

GO YOUTHBUILD!!!!! OWTFDWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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