Friday, October 19, 2012

Testing my belief structure....FOR SURE!!

On June 22nd, 2012, I made a decision to pursue a new path. I had an idea of what that might look like, I had a dream and most importantly, I had a GOAL! Donna and I had decided that it was time to make the leap we had spoken of for years and leave Texas to a different, and even more beautiful place. We had done much research and had some desires to move to the NW Coast, we had looked on the East coast a little, we looked, and almost moved forward with a move to NW Arkansas... I even did some extensive job hunting there.

After thinking more about it, we chatted and threw around the idea to move to Colorado. We had limited funds and I have family in Colorado. We spoke about the possibility of me living with my family and working towards getting a job in Colorado. We made the decision that we wanted to live in the mountains and it had to be at least as beautiful as our home in Texas.


So I went to work and sold as much stuff as I could and started to get a base together that I could live on for a few months and pay the bills that I needed to pay. I sold my BBQ pit, my kayaks, my canoe....I parted with quite a few things that I never thought I would part with....I even considered selling my Harley (but just couldn't bring myself to do it). Once I had sold everything I could and completed some FEMA trainings that I wanted to get done, I contacted my family, we all designed a plan, and on July 27th, 2012, Donna and I pulled out of Texas with a large portion of our belongings, each driving a truck with a trailer, and we started to Colorado.

The plan (and the finances) were set that I would live with my parents and start to job hunt, I wanted to stay away from non-profit as I had become burned out in the industry, I had enough money to carry me for three months and my goal was to have a job in that three months.

We got to Colorado and Donna and I took a week and drove all over the different areas I had job prospects. We spent a week driving around all over Colorado and then after that week, one of the hardest days of my life happened.... I watched the woman I love more than anything in the world get in her truck and pull out of the driveway of my parents home and head back to Texas.... I literally felt like a part of me was ripped away.....I knew really quickly that my entire intention was to work hard so that WE could be back together as soon as possible. My life TRULY is incomplete without her....TRULY!!

I experienced my first birthday in 19 years without Donna and we were not together on our 17th Anniversary....Man, we were struggling!

I had (what I thought) was a GREAT opportunity in Boulder, working for the City as an animal control officer. I had the experience, the education and figured as long as I passed the testing process, I would be a SHOE IN for the position.

The position started with over 300 applicants and the interview process weeded it down to about 150 to test for the position, the written test cut that in half and I was still in the running....The physical agility test cut another 25 and that left about 50 people qualified to move forward.....I will say, I thought I was going to DIE in the running portion of the test, but I passed! I was told that I would be moving through to the interview process. I spoke with many of the people I was testing with and almost everyone I spoke with had absolutely no emergency management experience....I was feeling VERY confident!

I drove home, head high, feeling really good about the possibility....I was in Colorado 2 weeks and I had this sealed up....THIS JOB WAS MINE!! About a week later, I received an e-mail from the City of Boulder that stated....

"We are no longer pursuing you for the position"

I WAS STUNNED!! I called the hiring manager and asked if this was correct and she assured me,

"Yes, its correct, we have more qualified candidates we are looking at and pursuing"

I went on and told the manager again about my experience and education and how I was perfect for the job and she still said I was not the best qualified.....Man, my stomach just dropped....I couldn't believe it! BLOW #1!!

I found a job in Black Hawk Colorado which is a very small old mining down, nestled in a canyon outside of Denver....An absolutely BEAUTIFUL place. It was a job as a dispatcher for the city and I made the cut. I was told I was one of 12 that made it through to the interview after the testing and again, I was excited. I drove up for the interview and again, I left feeling pretty confident. I had experience in the field, knew I could do the job and figured again that I had to make the cut on this!

A week later, another letter and BLOW #2!!

As the weeks went on, I applied for jobs every day in every mountain area in Colorado...>State jobs, City jobs, Government jobs and the random director, program coordinator and even a case manager or two job. I had put in about 200 or more resumes and was hearing nothing. At month 2, I stared to get nervous... I had a few letters that had come in and said I was being considered for positions but there was no other info.

On July 30th I put in for a job with the Colorado Department of Revenue to be a "Drivers License Test Examiner III" in Glenwood Springs Colorado. The next day I was informed that to continue in the process I had to obtain a Colorado Drivers License and I had a week to comply....I went THAT DAY and got my license and felt like I was one step farther from Texas but no steps closer to my goal in Colorado. I contacted the hiring manager and sent them my drivers license information. I was moved on into the process and had to take a test. It was a written test with scenarios and questions and then finally a mock letter to an angry customer. I sent in my responses and waited...

A week or two went by and I kept putting in applications, went to the Colorado Workforce, pulled a couple of jobs with my Brother in Law at his landscaping business (which assured me that manual labor is not something I enjoy...WOW!! Kuddos to my brother in law....His work is definitely a tough way to make a living...Good thing he loves it!)

I finally received a letter from the Department of Revenue on or around August 30th (remember, I applied July 30th) that stated....

"Congratulations, you have passed the test for the Drivers License Test Examiner III in Glenwood Springs Colorado. Your score was an 89.9999 and you are currently ranked number one for the position, you will be moving along in the hiring process and will be contacted soon about the next step"

Man, after getting letters of denial almost daily, not hearing anything from anyone, I now had an opportunity...And a pretty damn good one. Working for the state, opportunity for growth, once I get in, I could live anywhere and could have a job with a good retirement and great benefits....LORD THANK YOU!!

My parents and I decided to take a day and go check out the Glenwood area as it seemed this might be a great opportunity. Glenwood Springs is an amazing city....there are about 8k people there, its in a valley t a little over 5k ft above sea level, there is a river basin that surrounds the city and it has hot springs in the city. There is a MAGNIFICENT 20 mile long canyon that you drive through to get to Glenwood and as you exit the canyon you pull into the city. Its about 30 minutes or so from Aspen Colorado and the small towns between Glenwood and Aspen are absolutely spectacular! We had lunch in Basalt Colorado and afterwards we decided to check out the area around this little town. About 1/4 of a mile out of Basalt, we saw a bear in the trees....We were TRULY in the mountains of Colorado!

Around September 14th I was instructed by email to contact a hiring manager with the state to get to the next step....An interview!!

I scheduled the interview and it was on Sept 21st in Glenwood Springs. September 21st, 2012 was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. The sun was shining, the Aspens were starting to change and my mom said she wanted to ride with me to the interview. We left Colorado Springs and it was in the 70's, we drove up Vail pass and we had snow flurries,

                       (Vail Pass)

we pulled into Glenwood Springs and it was 80 degrees....What a BEAUTIFUL trip! Here is a picture of what the view is outside the office there....

I went and had my interview and immediately I felt like this was going to be a great interview. Both of the managers were education majors and we had a common interest to talk about. They went through a series of questions and my interview was almost 2 hours long. At the end of the interview, I asked....

"Am I still number one for the position"

and the manager assure me that I was. She stated they wanted to have the position filled by October 15th and I should be hearing from the regional supervisor for a second interview in a week or so. I left Glenwood feeling AWESOME!! Mom and I stopped in Breckenridge for lunch and took a long way home to check out the Aspens and enjoyed our VERY long day on the road...About 9 hours!! UUUGH!!

A week went by and I hadn't heard anything so I called the Manager (Pam) and just touched base. She told me that things were really busy but I would be hearing in about another week. Now it is September 28th....UUUGH again!

Donna flew in for a long weekend visit on September 27th to September 30th. We drove up to Glenwood and over Independence Pass (which is a true testament that God exists and is an AMAZING artist!).

We had lunch in Basalt, it was in the 70's.....

and the Aspens were in FULL BLOOM.... I wish I could explain this majestic experience in words, but there are no words that can capture the experience of the aspens in full color....It is only understood in experience!

Another HUGE blow to my experience and my life happened on September 30th when I took Donna to the airport and watched her walk away through security and out of my immediate life again....

I was almost brought to my knees....I just could not stand doing this much more...SOMETHING has to shift!

Two minutes after Donna left my side, my old partner Jack Allen called me and said

"Hey brother, just wanted you to know, I just got off the phone with the State of Colorado for a reference check"

Man, THIS was good news!! This meant that the state is moving forward with my application. I was also notified that day that I would be having an interview with the City of Colorado Springs Fire Department for a position I had applied for and would have the interview on Oct 15th....Things were starting to look up!

Regardless of the good news, the next week, the first week of October, this was the hardest week I had experienced in some time. I was missing Donna so bad I couldn't stand it. I went to a job fair in Denver that had (what they claimed) was 100 employers.... I go there and there was NO opportunities for me and the direction I wanted....However, there were trucking companies there and I figured if something didn't break soon, maybe this would be an option....But this wasn't my plan!! This isn't what Donna and I had set as our goals and I was starting to go downhill emotionally....

 The pain was so severe that I would wake up at 8:00am, go back to bed at 11:00am, sleep until 3:00pm, start to drink at 7:00pm to numb the pain and hopefully pass out my 11:00pm and start all over....I was so severely depressed and was truly miserable. October 5th, I called Glenwood again...I couldn't reach the manager, so I left a message.... I dug deeper and found phone numbers and e-mails for the hiring managers for the state and tried to contact them....I couldn't reach them, so I left them messages. I never heard from any of them.

I had it made up that this probably wasn't a good sign but I wasn't going to back down.... on Oct 9th, 10th, and 11th I called all the numbers I had and left messages every day.... I figured that I just can wait on life to happen, I have to MAKE it happen! I had an interview set with the City of Colorado Springs on the 15th of October and was prepared for that interview completely.

I was concerned with this position as it wasn't a "sworn" position and as an "education" position, would be the very first position that would be cut if any funding cutbacks were to happen (which happen all the time).

On October 12th, I was called by the state and told they had scheduled an interview at the main office on Oct 17th in Lakewood Colorado with the regional director for the Drivers License Division.... Things are looking up, but my money is running low and I am getting close to my goal deadline...I don't have much time left!

I went to the interview with the City of Colorado Springs and felt REALLY good about the interview....However, I did ask about the possible cutbacks and elimination of the position and the interviewers advised me that this is a legitimate concern and they could offer me no guarantees. I was perfect for the position, I have EVERYTHING they are looking for, the money is good and I would really enjoy the job, but they even said there was a time they hired a person and 6 months later they had to lay him off due to cutbacks.... Man, I juts could not fathom being back out in the unemployment world after taking that job, moving Donna up here and then being stuck....I have to say, I was a little concerned with this feedback.

I was advised that I would be called in about a week if I was to be moved forward to have a second interview with the Fire Chief. I left feeling pretty confident but there was this voice in my head that kept telling me I need to be cautious about this job....It really doesn't sound like a stable job.

The State job pays less and I would have to live in a much more expensive place, but at least its secure and the opportunity for growth is limitless....Now I am at a decision but I decided after that interview I was going to pull myself out of this hole I was in, SHIFT my thinking, get back on the path of positive thoughts and energy and pull my bootstraps up....I just cant continue to live in this depressed state.... Its truly killing me! I cant get over missing Donna and the desire to have her near me, but i CAN get out of my own shit and get back on track to the goal!!

Wednesday, Oct 17th, 11:00am, I was in Lakewood Colorado, at the Department of Revenue for my second interview for the position in Glenwood. The interview went GREAT, we discussed start dates, money, negotiated salary and I felt pretty good when I left that interview. I was told that a decision was going to be made by Friday Oct 19th and I would be advised either way if I got the job or not....Before I left I asked again....

"Am I still number 1 for the position?"

They advised me that I was and I left to go back to Colorado Springs thinking, "This is going to be a loooong 2 days"

Thursday, October 18th, 11:10am, I was pulling out of the driveway with my mom to go have lunch and my cell phone went off with a notification I had a voicemail...Never rang though. I checked my voicemail and it was the regional supervisor I had interviewed with and she wanted me to call her back.

I told my mom frantically...


Mom was shocked and I think I even scared her....

"What, whats going on, whats up"

"Its the state, they want me to call them....go back, go back!!!"

I ran inside, took the number down and called her back....

"Hi Joi, its Brad Golden"

"Hi Brad, how are you? I just wanted you to know that I can get you the money close to what you asked for but I need to know you are serious about this position"

"Joi, I am COMPLETELY serious about this position"

"Ok, well the money is not quite what you want, but I want to groom you to promote within about 6 months....Now Brad, you could promote sooner than that, but that will be up to you and how quickly you learn....."

I stopped her and said....

"Joi, did I miss the part that I got the job??"

"Yes Brad, you got the job!"

the next 2 minutes of the conversation I cant tell you what was said because I was screaming inside and dancing around the front lobby of my parents house.....I felt like 125k lbs was lifted off my shoulder...

OMG, I DID IT!! I frickin did it!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!

We went on to the details and I will start Nov 5th (do you remember when I applied?? WOW!!) and will train for a week in Denver on policy and procedure, after that, I will be going to Grand Junction for 4 weeks to shadow another Drivers License Office Manager and am scheduled to start in Glenwood on or about December 10th for my assignment and my office. I will be going up to meet my staff soon and am so excited....

I called Donna and I was in a bookstore when she called me back....I couldn't yell so I said....

"I am in a bookstore so I cant scream, but baby, I GOT A JOB!!!"

Donna started laughing and crying, I started laughing and crying and I gotta tell ya, the ENTIRE day i could not keep a single thought in my head....My head was racing with all of the things ahead, how we had done what we said we were going to do, how we did it under our goal time, how I was going to be back with my baby soon, how I needed to call my realtor and get aggressive with the house, looking for a place to live in Glenwood, when will Donna be here, when will Donna be here, when will Donna be here!!!!!

LIFE IS GETTING Ready to happen for us JUST AS WE PLANNED!!

So, on July 27th, 2012, Donna and I started with a goal to have me in Colorado and have a job IN THE MOUNTAINS in 3 months.....

We were able to get a job, in one of the most beautiful parts of the mountains in Colorado in 2 months and 2 1/2 weeks! WE DID IT!!!

I will tell you that in this time frame, I have questioned the distinctions I have so securely held on to for a large part of my life, really had one hell of an emotional roller coaster (still on it really) but I made sure that the PROCESS is perfect, and I HAD to TRUST THE PROCESS!! I questioned it, was scared, was unsure, was almost ready to give up (and was even making plans on how that would look) but once again, BASED ON RESULTS, the Universe listens.

Go at your life with an INTENTION, be CLEAR and PRECISE on what you want and when you want it. Say it out loud, write it down, declare your dreams and your goals and then, SHIFT....Move forward, make it happen...GO GET IT!!

We still have quite of things ahead for us to make the final picture come into view. We have a house to sell (WHICH WILL) we have to find a place in the Glenwood area and a place for our horses (WHICH WE WILL), we have to get Donna up here (WHICH WE WILL) and find her a job (WHICH WE WILL) and then live our life together and never part like this again (WHICH WE WILL).....

As I say in many of my posts, live by this mantra when it comes to your life and making it happen the way you want!!!


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