Friday, December 24, 2010

Christma Eve 2010

I have to say that I am not so much into the Holidays these last few years but even with my lack of "Christmas Spirit" I am still VERY Grateful for my family, the love I have for them and others and the love they have for me and others...

It seem that the Holidays are full of drama, stress, anger, resentment and everywhere I have gone in this past week, no matter if it was the local "stop and go" or comments in those multiple social networking sites...Everyone seems to be complaining, is stressed out and overwhelmed with Holiday "cheer" (which I am thinking Webster needs to redefine).

I have found it comical, and have taken on a satirical response. When someone is grumpy or just seemingly bitter near me, I have started to smile and sarcastically say 'HAAAAAPPPY HOLIDAYS" and then even break out in song of the variety of irritating Christmas music....


Only to be answered with waves of hands, many "pfffffts" and a general desire to want to pinch my head off as it is clear that my sarcastic response is enjoyed about as much as fingernails across a chalk board. I guess I find humor in people who say...


and then get angry when I am trying to make light or fun of the anger and stress in their voices...

Yup, Happy Holidays!!

But, today, as I woke up and went to check my e-mail and vast array of other social media, I found that my old partner, the one written about in many of my stories, he had to take on a heavy burden this morning.

He was apparently working and early this morning, on Christmas Eve, he was in the line of duty and was the messenger to carry news to a family that their son was no longer with us on this earth...That he was dead.

I myself have been the bearer of such news to families and loved ones and know the weight it carries. However, in those days, being so young and inexperienced to the world, I was not nearly as appreciative of life as I am today, was fairly jaded and hard, and took it on as my job. However, no matter how well a scar heals, there is always some remnant of it left with you throughout your life... These scars are no different at all! Funny how "cold" of any kind reminds you of old scars...

So today, as you stumble around in the misery of the Holidays and come across those who are aligned with your energy of the Holidays, remember, "It can ALWAYS be worse" and there are many who are having an experience RIGHT NOW that would make your concerns and drama of the Holidays look like spilled milk.

As I drove around yesterday and was with my kids, we were joking about all of the STRESS that is just in the air everywhere you go...Wal-Mart was like a ball of twisted energy...The roads were packed with people, traffic was terrible, no parking spots, people everywhere.... I was starting to get on board with all the stress!


Then I was hit with reality...

I drove by a local emergency crisis shelter for children who have been abused and neglected, taken from their homes and is generally pretty full around the Holidays, pointed to it and said to my daughters...

"See, it could be worse..."

Then by an "old folks home" where people are facing "the end", many have NO ONE in their lives, bed ridden and suffering... I pointed out the window and said... 

"See, it could be worse...."

We pulled behind an ambulance and could see them in the back working on someone, I thought about that person and their family and the fear they must be having as a result of this hurried trip to the ER...Pointed out the window and said....

"See, it could be worse..."

I wake up today and see my old partners note about the task he took on last night and in my head said....

"See, it could be worse...."

So to those of you who do have it "worse" I have good thoughts going out to you and yours. But always remember, as bad as it is right now, somewhere, somehow, someone is really getting slammed....So remember....

"It could be worse..."

To My buddy, who this family, although they cannot see it now, was blessed to have come bring such terrible news, I am sorry you are weighted with such a heavy load but that's what happens when you have broad and loving shoulders...You are chosen for the job because you know how to carry the weight!

To that family who lost their son....I send many thoughts and prayers, although I don't know who you are or where you are... I CARE!

To my family and those I love, I am grateful that we are all well and although we are scattered across the country, LOVE has no limits and LOVE has no idea of what "space" is... There is no space between us when it comes to this!

To those who are my friends, I wish nothing but fantastic things for you and your family this Holiday Season... Everyone make sure to give an extra hug or two today...

And for those complaining, whining, finding things to be miserable about, pouting around and self loathing....remember....

"It can always be worse!!!"

Peace, Love and Light.... Brad

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