Wednesday, September 28, 2011

YouthBuild OWNING!

So last night, after much reflection on my day and my past blog, I had an urge in my heart and my head to step up and create things differently. As I suspected, as I laid in bed last night, my head was swirling with ideas, problems, owning them, my part in all of it, how to create this to be a LESSON for us ALL and an opportunity for growth...Then it hit me!! LIKE A FRIGGIN TRUCK!!

Every morning, we meet with our team and cover announcements, do our pledge and then do our RAH-RAH.... Generally another staff member take a portion of this time to discuss a "distinction" and this weeks distinction is RESPECT!

So as I got ready for work today, I had that twinge in my stomach, that little sick feeling I get when I am about to take a thought and make it a reality....Especially in front of a big crowd and having them enrolled in the idea and take part in it....There are only two ways it can go....Success or TOTAL FRIGGIN BOMB....And I have had the bombs!!

Not that I avoid the bombs, I really embrace them because I learn from them, but let me tell you RIGHT NOW, when you DO bomb, in the moment, it SUUUUUUCKS big time!!

So I sat Donna down and explained to her my idea and how I wanted it to take place and asked her for her feedback....She agreed with me, it was going to be an opportunity for greatness, or disaster!! WHICH didn't make my stomach any more stable!!

So I got in my truck to head to work and called my boss to tell her about what I was going to do....She was on board and in that moment, I OWNED the breakdown that took place yesterday with myself and my team.

I committed to being vulnerable and open and I knew that MY ownership of yesterday would spark ownership from others.

I know some people don't agree with this, but we are TOTALLY responsible for EVERYTHING that takes place in our life....At the VERY LEAST we are totally responsible for how we react to any incident in our life and with that ownership, we CAN create it to be different AND exactly how we want it.

So when I arrived at the school, we had a new employee start today and I asked him to video this process. I knew if it was a success it was going to be amazing and if it bombed, I would have documentation to see what didn't work and then grow so I can MAKE IT WORK next time.

I think one thing educators, case managers, people that work with people miss is that people don't really connect to "Do as I say, not as I do" What people connect to (especially those in groups like this one) are MODELS!!

People are generally the types that say "Sure, i will do it, but you do it first" and I am just crazy enough to DO IT FIRST!! Always have been that way!!

Once we got the team together, I had them gather in a circle around me, and then I went into my idea....I started ENROLLING this team into THEIR greatness.... But I had to own mine first I guess....

"If it is to be, its up to me!"

And THIS day was NOT going to be like yesterday!!

One of the things I have learned in groups/teams is that when one of us breaks down, WE ALL break down...We CANNOT have one of us suffering without ALL of us suffering in some manner...So the best way to address this is to own your part in it, recognize clearly your role in the breakdown, apologize, commit to working on it to make it better, and then move on....Something MANY people just cannot grasp....

Well, today, this team DID grasp it and ONCE AGAIN, this group of "troubled youth" showed up larger and stronger than any "normal" or "exceptional" person would do any day!! I am so very impressed with this group of youth...So moved to see that they have an understanding of accountability and are willing to TRULY step up to the plate....

Here is the video of how it unfolded, the sound isn't so great so turn your speakers up and listen to these brave young souls OWNING their breakdown, and CREATING their breakthrough!

And so you know, I went around at the end of the day and asked people how their day was....I didn't have ONE SINGLE person who said they had a BAD day...EVERY SINGLE PERSON said they were having a great day, a better day, a good day, etc....

THIS is what SOURCING things is all about ....DECLARE IT, OWN IT, and CREATE IT!!!

We are soooooooooo much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for!

And tomorrow is an even BIGGER DAY!!


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