Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A cool day with feedback!

So today, I went to go and run some errands and stop in and see a few people I have not seen before. After getting the necessities done, I stopped by the local Red Cross here in Kerrville to chat with the Executive Director, Krsiti. She and I have become pretty good friends over the last few years and I always enjoy our time together...As brief as it can be most of the time, I always feel better after hanging out with her. She is a special lady and a genuine person... I really value our friendship.

Well, Kristi was busy so I was talking to her assistant in her office. She was talking to me about teaching some courses at the Red Cross and we were trying to figure out if I was certified to do so. As we spoke she was clarifying the spelling of my name and another lady who was in the office with her, actively taking a test on a computer, said...

"Brad??? Gold??? I know you!"

I have met so many people in my travels that this is not uncommon and my common response is...

"You know me? How do you know me?"

"I think through facebook...I am not sure...I think that was it and I went to your site. Its great!!"

"Oh really, that's really cool? Who did you link up with to find me?"
"I am not sure who it was but I went to your site and looked around. You have three step daughters, grew up in....Uhhhmmm, was it California?"

"No, it was Colorado."

"Oh, I knew it was something that started with a "C""

"So, how did you like my site?"

"I thought it was great...Sounds like you could talk on just about anything huh? You have had a pretty diverse life huh?"

"Yeah, I have been around quite a bit and done quite a few things."

"I saw you went to Junction and Menard...You have been all over around here huh?"

"Well, K'STAR provided me quite a bit of opportunity to get around so I made my stops in a lot of places. Once I "got in" somewhere, I made a lot of effort to "Stay in" and was able to work with a lot of different people."

"Yeah, as I looked at your site, I thought, "Hmmmm, this guy would be interesting to listen to." and liked browsing around and learning about you."

"Well, that is fantastic feedback. I really appreciate that! You have really made my day!"

We chatted for a short while and then I was able to sit and visit with Kristi. Kristi got busy and I decided to carry on with my errands. Before I left, I stopped in to speak to the lady one more time and said..

"I really do appreciate you... You just don't know how much you have made my day...THANKS!"

And left...

I just really wanted to document this experience and share it with those who follow me and this vision and also thank all of you who take the time to read my posts and spread the information....It REALLY does make a difference... Even the smallest of things we do can make a huge impact so whoever it was that "liked" my page, commented on my profile or simply responded to a post that lead this lady to me, I truly appreciate it and I am grateful for all of you. Thank you so much!!

Peace.... Brad

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